A complete item list for Rust, including the translated display name, descriptions, short names, item IDs, and more. We also link to our item page with comprehensive item data including crafting, blueprint, recycling and raiding data.
This information was last updated at 1/22/2025, 11:33:21 AM. If you see any missing/incorrect information or would like to request additional features, please join our Discord.
Item | Short Name | Item ID |
12 Gauge BuckshotAmmunition for a Shotgun. | ammo.shotgun | -1685290200 |
12 Gauge Incendiary ShellIncendiary Shotgun Ammunition | ammo.shotgun.fire | -1036635990 |
12 Gauge SlugSingle large projectile for a Shotgun. | ammo.shotgun.slug | -727717969 |
40mm HE GrenadeAmmunition for a 40mm Grenade Launcher. | ammo.grenadelauncher.he | 349762871 |
40mm Shotgun RoundAmmunition for a 40mm Grenade Launcher. | ammo.grenadelauncher.buckshot | 1055319033 |
40mm Smoke GrenadeAmmunition for a 40mm Grenade Launcher. | ammo.grenadelauncher.smoke | 915408809 |
5.56 Rifle AmmoAmmunition for a Rifle. Loses velocity when fired over long distances resulting in slightly decreased damage. | ammo.rifle | -1211166256 |
8x Zoom ScopeA small 8x zoom scope. | weapon.mod.small.scope | 567235583 |
A Barrel CostumeA stupid barrel costume, so you can hide like a pro..p | barrelcostume | -1215166612 |
AND SwitchA logic gate that allows electrical passthrough if BOTH inputs receives power, passthrough amount is the greater of either power source | electric.andswitch | 1171735914 |
Above Ground PoolA large wooden pool that can be filled with water. | abovegroundpool | 1840570710 |
Acoustic GuitarA classic acoustic guitar, built for jam sessions around campfires at night. | fun.guitar | -2124352573 |
Adv. Anti-Rad TeaA tea that reduces the amount of health lost due to radiation. | radiationresisttea.advanced | -1729415579 |
Advanced Healing TeaA tea that restores health over time. | healingtea.advanced | -2123125470 |
Advanced Max Health TeaA tea that increases your maximum health. | maxhealthtea.advanced | 603811464 |
Advanced Ore TeaA tea that increases the amount of ore you receive. | oretea.advanced | 2063916636 |
Advanced Scrap TeaA tea that increases the amount of scrap you receive from barrels. | scraptea.advanced | 524678627 |
Advanced Wood TeaA tea that increases the amount of wood you receive from trees. | woodtea.advanced | -541206665 |
Advent CalendarReceive a special gift each and every day! | xmas.advent | -2027793839 |
AnchovyA small bony fish commonly found in large schools. | fish.anchovy | 342438846 |
Animal FatHarvested from animals, combine with cloth to create a low quality fuel source. | fat.animal | -1018587433 |
Anti-Rad TeaA tea that reduces the amount of health lost due to radiation. | radiationresisttea | -487356515 |
Anti-Radiation PillsTaking these pills will lower your radiation level. WARNING: May cause extreme dehydration. | antiradpills | -1432674913 |
AppleAn Apple. Eating it provides a small boost to health, hunger, and thirst. | apple | 1548091822 |
Arctic Scientist SuitA hazmat suit made from radiation resistant rubber. | hazmatsuit_scientist_arctic | 1107575710 |
Arctic SuitAn arctic variant of the hazmat suit which trades radiation for cold protection. | hazmatsuit.arcticsuit | -470439097 |
Armored Cockpit Vehicle ModuleSingle module armored cockpit for a driver and one passenger. | vehicle.1mod.cockpit.armored | 1874610722 |
Armored DoorExtremely strong door with a hatch to see and shoot out of. | door.hinged.toptier | 1353298668 |
Armored Double DoorExtremely strong door with a hatch to see and shoot out of. | door.double.hinged.toptier | 1221063409 |
Armored Passenger Vehicle ModuleSingle module armored seating for two passengers. | vehicle.1mod.passengers.armored | -1615281216 |
Assault RifleHigh damage machine rifle. | rifle.ak | 1545779598 |
Audio AlarmA speaker which will emit a loud warning alarm when powered | electric.audioalarm | 2100007442 |
Auto TurretThis automated electric sentry turret will engage and neutralize any moving targets it has line of sight to. You must equip it with a projectile weapon and the corresponding ammunition. Note : The turret will search for targets in a 180 degree arc facing *you* when you place it. Requires 10 power. | autoturret | -2139580305 |
BandageHeal yourself or others with this bandage. Left-click heals you, right-click heals a target. | bandage | -2072273936 |
Bandana MaskA square of cloth which is tied around the face over the nose and mouth. | mask.bandana | -702051347 |
Bandit Guard GearA bandit guard suit | attire.banditguard | -1622110948 |
Barbed Wooden BarricadeA wooden barricade with barbed wire, made of Wood and Metal Fragments. The barbed wire causes damage and will also slow player movement. | barricade.woodwire | 1382263453 |
BarbequeA makeshift Barbeque. You can cook significant amounts of food with this. | bbq | 1099314009 |
Baseball Batmace.baseballbat.desc | mace.baseballbat | -2026042603 |
Baseball CapA baseball cap. | hat.cap | -1022661119 |
Basic Healing TeaA tea that restores health over time. | healingtea | -929092070 |
Basic Horse ShoesEquipping these horse shoes will grant your horse additional movement speed | horse.shoes.basic | -1211268013 |
Basic Max Health TeaA tea that increases your maximum health. | maxhealthtea | -1184406448 |
Basic Ore TeaA tea that increases the amount of ore you receive. | oretea | 1480022580 |
Basic Scrap TeaA tea that increases the amount of scrap you receive from barrels. | scraptea | 263834859 |
Basic Wood TeaA tea that increases the amount of wood you receive from trees. | woodtea | -649128577 |
Bath Tub PlanterA small planter with enough room to plant 3 seeds. | bathtub.planter | -1274093662 |
Battery - SmallA Battery. | battery.small | 609049394 |
Beach ChairThe Beach Chair is the best way to relax, whether it's by the pool or on the beach. | beachchair | -321431890 |
Beach ParasolA large umbrella that will shield you from the sun. | beachparasol | -1621539785 |
Beach TableA small table to hold your drinks while relaxing. | beachtable | 657352755 |
Beach TowelA colourful beach towel. Placing this will give you a location to respawn. | beachtowel | -8312704 |
Beancan GrenadeUnreliable explosive device. | grenade.beancan | 1840822026 |
BedA Bed. Placing this will give you a place to respawn and can be used much more frequently than a sleeping bag. Note: Must be placed inside a building. | bed | -1273339005 |
Beenie HatA wooly hat. | hat.beenie | 1675639563 |
BinocularsBinoculars allowing you to see objects at great length. | tool.binoculars | -1262185308 |
Birthday CakeA very special and happy birthday to Rust! | cakefiveyear | 1973165031 |
Black BerryA black berry. | black.berry | 1771755747 |
Black Berry CloneA clipping of a Black Berry Plant. | clone.black.berry | 122783240 |
Black Berry SeedThese black berry seeds can be planted in the ground and grown to collect additional food. Planting these seeds in a planter, and then watering them with large quantities of water yields significantly more berries and faster growth. | seed.black.berry | 1911552868 |
Black RaspberriesBlack Raspberries picked from berry bushes. Eating it provides a small boost to health, hunger, and thirst. | black.raspberries | 1931713481 |
BleachA powerful oxidizing agent. Can be used as a disinfectant. | bleach | 1553078977 |
BlockerThis object prevents passthrough while power is received through its second input. | electric.blocker | -690968985 |
BloodUsed in creation of medkits. | blood | 1776460938 |
Blue BerryA blue berry. Can be eaten or used in mixing table recipes to create teas. | blue.berry | 1112162468 |
Blue Berry CloneA clipping of a Blue Berry Plant. | clone.blue.berry | 838831151 |
Blue Berry SeedThese blue berry seeds can be planted in the ground and grown to collect additional food. Planting these seeds in a planter, and then watering them with large quantities of water yields significantly more berries and faster growth. | seed.blue.berry | 803954639 |
Blue BoomerA very large mortar type firework with a blue starburst | firework.boomer.blue | 1744298439 |
Blue JumpsuitA Blue Jumpsuit | jumpsuit.suit.blue | 1601468620 |
Blue KeycardA keycard with medium level clearance. | keycard_blue | -484206264 |
Blue Roman CandleA small repeating firework, shoots a series of Blue balls into the air | firework.romancandle.blue | -515830359 |
BlueberriesBlueberries picked from berry bushes. Eating it provides a small boost to health, hunger, and thirst. | blueberries | -586342290 |
Bolt Action RifleA High powered, highly accurate, long range rifle. | rifle.bolt | 1588298435 |
Bone ArmorA suit of armor made of bones. | bone.armor.suit | 1746956556 |
Bone ArrowAn Arrow equipped with a large bone arrowhead making it very easy to hit targets at the expense of damage | arrow.bone | 215754713 |
Bone ClubA blunt weapon made from a femur. All around basic gathering tool. | bone.club | 1711033574 |
Bone FragmentsExtracted from animal carcass. Used as a raw material to make bone weapons and armour. | bone.fragments | 1719978075 |
Bone HelmetA helmet made of bone. | deer.skull.mask | -1903165497 |
Bone KnifeMelee weapon crafted from bone fragments. Good for harvesting carcases. | knife.bone | 1814288539 |
Boogie BoardUse the boogie board to catch some sick waves. | boogieboard | -1478094705 |
Boom BoxA large speaker to play recorded cassette tapes which can also stream audio from the internet. Open the settings to change audio options. | boombox | -1113501606 |
Boonie HatA boonie hat. | hat.boonie | -23994173 |
BootsWork boots. | shoes.boots | -1549739227 |
Bota BagA canteen used to carry Water. Left click to drink, right click to fill from water sources, or to pour out. | botabag | 613961768 |
Bronze EggA Bronze Egg. Open for a surprise or collect 10 to upgrade to a silver egg. | easter.bronzeegg | 844440409 |
Bucket HelmetA Bucket Helmet. It provides a level of regional protection from inflicted damage. | bucket.helmet | 850280505 |
Building PlanA building plan. You can use this to craft buildings - right click when equipped for more options. | building.planner | 1525520776 |
Bunny EarsBunny Ears. Grants additional Egg Vision allowing you to detect more eggs during an Easter egg hunt. | attire.bunnyears | -1004426654 |
Bunny HatA silly Bunny Hat with wobbly ears to celebrate Easter 2021 | hat.bunnyhat | 23391694 |
Bunny OnesieA Bunny Onesie. Grants additional Egg Vision allowing you to detect more eggs during an Easter egg hunt. | attire.bunny.onesie | -1266045928 |
Burlap GlovesBasic burlap gloves, offering protection from the elements | burlap.gloves.new | 21402876 |
Burlap HeadwrapA Headwrap made out of burlap. | burlap.headwrap | 1877339384 |
Burlap ShirtA Shirt made out of burlap. | burlap.shirt | 602741290 |
Burlap ShoesShoes made out of burlap. | burlap.shoes | -761829530 |
Burlap TrousersTrousers made out of burlap. | burlap.trousers | 1992974553 |
Burnt Bear MeatBear Meat that has been overcooked. | bearmeat.burned | -989755543 |
Burnt ChickenBurned chicken. Eating it will damage your health. | chicken.burned | 1973684065 |
Burnt Deer MeatBurned Deer Meat. Eating it will damage your health. | deermeat.burned | -78533081 |
Burnt Horse MeatBurned horse meat. Eating it will damage your health. | horsemeat.burned | 1917703890 |
Burnt Human MeatBurned Meat from a human being. Consuming will damage your health. | humanmeat.burned | -682687162 |
Burnt PorkThis little piggy has been in the oven for too long. | meat.pork.burned | 1391703481 |
Burnt Wolf MeatSpoiled Wolf Meat. Consuming will damage your health. | wolfmeat.burned | 1827479659 |
Burst ModuleForces the weapon to fire in 3 round bursts. | weapon.mod.burstmodule | 838308300 |
Butcher KnifeA sharp butcher knife. Extremely good at harvesting flesh from both dead or alive bodies. | knife.butcher | -194509282 |
ButtonA simple electric button. | electric.button | -1778897469 |
CCTV CameraA CCTV Camera system can be used for realtime surveillance and security around your base when powered and paired with the Computer Station. | cctv.camera | 634478325 |
Cable TunnelAllows you to pass a cable through a wall. Each input will forward the amount it receives to the corresponding output on the other side. | electric.cabletunnel | 1835946060 |
Cactus FleshFlesh of a Cactus, contains water. | cactusflesh | 1783512007 |
CameraA camera. Take screenshots with primary fire, zoom in and out with secondary fire, and lock focus with third fire. | tool.camera | -1316706473 |
Camp FireA small camp fire. Provides warmth and light, and you can cook with it. | campfire | 1946219319 |
Camper Vehicle ModuleDual module camper that allows up to 4 players to respawn. Also includes a barbecue, a locker and a small box for item storage. | vehicle.2mod.camper | -1040518150 |
Can of BeansBeans found as loot. Eating it provides a small boost to health, hunger, and thirst. | can.beans | -700591459 |
Can of TunaChunked tuna found as loot. Eating it provides a small boost to health, hunger, and thirst. | can.tuna | -1941646328 |
CanbourineA selection of crumpled cans assembled into a ring to produce some great background percussion. | fun.tambourine | -1379036069 |
Candle HatA hat with a candle on top. You can turn the candle on in your inventory. | hat.candle | 1714496074 |
Candy CaneA very old candy cane from 2014 | candycane | 1121925526 |
Candy Cane ClubSmash some faces with this large piece of candy | candycaneclub | 1789825282 |
Captain's LogA deteriorating piece of paper with information relating to the last moments of this vessel. | captainslog | 1230691307 |
Car RadioA small radio to use in cars. Will only work while the car is turned on. | vehicle.car_radio | 721798950 |
Carvable PumpkinA pumpkin that you can carve. Requires wood as a fuel source. | carvable.pumpkin | 1524980732 |
Cassette - LongA tape that you can record audio on to using a Cassette Recorder. Stores up to 30s of audio. | cassette | 476066818 |
Cassette - MediumA tape that you can record audio on to using a Cassette Recorder. Stores up to 20s of audio. | cassette.medium | -912398867 |
Cassette - ShortA tape that you can record audio on to using a Cassette Recorder. Stores up to 10s of audio. | cassette.short | 1523403414 |
Cassette RecorderInsert a cassette and play the recorded audio with [attack], [attack2] to record new audio and [+reload] to throw. | fun.casetterecorder | -1530414568 |
CatfishA large, whiskered fresh water based predator. Eats everything, so you never know what you'll find in it's stomach. | fish.catfish | -587989372 |
Ceiling LightA small ceiling mounted light source. | ceilinglight | 1142993169 |
Chainlink FenceA Chainlink Fence. | wall.frame.fence | -1117626326 |
Chainlink Fence GateA Chainlink Fence Gate. | wall.frame.fence.gate | 1451568081 |
ChainsawA Chainsaw. Very effective at cutting trees in addition to soft fleshy objects. Requires Low Grade Fuel to run. | chainsaw | 1104520648 |
ChairEvery home needs a chair. A decorative item which provides comfort while seated. | chair | 1534542921 |
Champagne BoomerA very large mortar type firework with an massive champagne colored explosion followed by smaller orange starbursts | firework.boomer.champagne | 1324203999 |
CharcoalByproduct from campfires and furnaces used for crafting gunpowder. | charcoal | -1938052175 |
Chicken CostumeAn inflatable chicken costume. Acting as a replacement for wooden pants, you can equip this item to look as silly as possible. | chicken.costume | -152332823 |
Chinese LanternA decorative Paper lantern | chineselantern | -1916473915 |
Chinese Lantern WhiteA decorative White Paper lantern | chineselanternwhite | -770304148 |
Chippy Arcade GameAn Arcade Machine | arcade.machine.chippy | 359723196 |
Chocolate BarChocolate Bar found as loot. Eating it provides a small boost to health, hunger, and thirst. | chocolate | -965336208 |
Christmas Door WreathGet into the christmas spirit with this holiday door wreath. | xmasdoorwreath | 2009734114 |
Christmas LightsA string of colored lights to decorate your home | xmas.lightstring | 1058261682 |
Christmas TreeGet into the holiday spirit with this decorative Christmas tree | xmas.tree | 794443127 |
Clan TableA table for managing clans. | clantable | 486661382 |
Clatter HelmetA special item for those who own Clatter. | clatter.helmet | 968019378 |
ClothCloth from an animal or a Hemp Bush. Used in many clothing items, weapons, and more. | cloth | -858312878 |
Coal :(Crappy Holidays! | coal | 204391461 |
Cockpit Vehicle ModuleSingle module cockpit for a driver and one passenger. | vehicle.1mod.cockpit | -1501451746 |
Cockpit With Engine Vehicle ModuleSingle module cockpit for a driver and one passenger, with a small engine. | vehicle.1mod.cockpit.with.engine | 170758448 |
Code LockAn electronic lock. Locked and unlocked with four-digit code. | lock.code | 1159991980 |
Coffee Can HelmetA Coffee Can Helmet. It provides a level of regional protection from inflicted damage. | coffeecan.helmet | -803263829 |
CoffinAn old wooden coffin, can store up to 42 items | coffin.storage | 573676040 |
Combat KnifeCombat knife designed for close combat engagements, can attack while sprinting. Best in class at harvesting flesh. | knife.combat | 2040726127 |
ComposterProduces fertilizer from compostable items. | composter | -1488398114 |
Compound BowA very powerful bow. Can only be fully drawn while stationary. Keep still for bonus damage and speed. | bow.compound | 884424049 |
Computer StationA Computer station for remote control access | computerstation | -1588628467 |
Concrete BarricadeA barricade made out of Stones. | barricade.concrete | -1950721390 |
Confetti CannonBlast a cloud of birthday themed confetti cheer. | confetticannon | 1603174987 |
Connected SpeakerA small speaker that will play any audio from a connected Boom Box. | connected.speaker | 968421290 |
Cooked Bear MeatDelicious Bear Meat, Eating it will restore some health, hunger, and thirst. | bearmeat.cooked | 1873897110 |
Cooked ChickenCooked chicken. Eating it will restore some health, hunger, and thirst. | chicken.cooked | -1848736516 |
Cooked Deer MeatCooked Deer Meat. Eating it will restore some health, hunger, and thirst. | deermeat.cooked | -1509851560 |
Cooked FishCooked Fish. Eating it provides a small boost to health, hunger, and thirst. | fish.cooked | 1668129151 |
Cooked Horse MeatCooked Horse Meat. Eating it will restore some health, hunger, and thirst. | horsemeat.cooked | -1162759543 |
Cooked Human MeatSalty meat from a human being, eating this will restore some hunger and health but reduces hydration. Maybe you should look for a better food source. | humanmeat.cooked | 1536610005 |
Cooked PorkCooked pork, Eating it will restore some health, hunger, and thirst. | meat.pork.cooked | -242084766 |
Cooked Wolf MeatCooked Wolf Meat. Eating it will restore some health, hunger, and thirst. | wolfmeat.cooked | 813023040 |
CornAn ear of corn. Eating it provides a small boost to health, hunger, and thirst. | corn | 1367190888 |
Corn CloneA Clipping of a Corn Plant. | clone.corn | -778875547 |
Corn SeedCorn seeds can be found when picking wild Corn plants. These seeds can be planted in the ground and grown to collect additional food. Planting these seeds in a planter, and then watering them with large quantities of water yields significantly more corn and faster growth. | seed.corn | 998894949 |
CounterA basic cathode ray tube screen combined with an incremental counter. Can display power received, or can count upwards and allow passthrough when a target is reached. | electric.counter | -216999575 |
CowbellA road sign that's been repurposed to produce some beautiful, calming, percussion. | fun.cowbell | -1049881973 |
Crate CostumeA sneaky crate costume. Use with a friend to expertly troll other players | cratecostume | 1189981699 |
CrossbowA very accurate ranged weapon. | crossbow | 1965232394 |
Crude OilRaw Oil out of the ground, must be refined in a refinery to be used. | crude.oil | -321733511 |
Cultist Deer TorchCultist Deer Torch | torch.torch.skull | -1175656359 |
Cursed CauldronA spooky cast iron cauldron with a green goo. | cursedcauldron | 1242522330 |
Custom SMGA rapid-firing Machine Gun. Sacrifices accuracy and distance for speed. | smg.2 | 1796682209 |
Decorative BaubelsDecorative Baubels you can hang on your Christmas tree | xmas.decoration.baubels | -1667224349 |
Decorative Gingerbread MenDecorative Gingerbread Men you can hang on your Christmas tree | xmas.decoration.gingerbreadmen | 1686524871 |
Decorative PineconesDecorative Pinecones you can hang on your Christmas tree | xmas.decoration.pinecone | -129230242 |
Decorative Plastic Candy CanesDecorative Plastic Candy Canes you can hang on your Christmas tree | xmas.decoration.candycanes | -209869746 |
Decorative TinselDecorative Tinsel you can hang on your Christmas tree | xmas.decoration.tinsel | 2106561762 |
Deluxe Christmas LightsColored, Animated, Powered Lights. Requires 5 electricity. Click to start placement, right click to end. Each unit is 0.5m long. | xmas.lightstring.advanced | -151387974 |
Diesel FuelAppropriate fuel for the excavator | diesel_barrel | 1568388703 |
Digital ClockA digital clock that displays the server time and lets you set alarms to pass power through when ringing. Ideal for synchronizing traps or timed events. | electric.digitalclock | 1619039771 |
Disco BallGet groovy with this stunning disco ball. | discoball | 1895235349 |
Disco FloorA vibrant flashing floor that pulses in time to music. | discofloor | 286648290 |
Diver propulsion vehicleA personal underwater propulsion device | skidoo | -1056824343 |
Diving FinsDiving Fins which greatly increase underwater movement | diving.fins | 296519935 |
Diving MaskA Diving Mask. Provides clear vision under water. | diving.mask | -113413047 |
Diving TankAn oxygen tank that enables breathing under water for a period of time. Can be refilled at a workbench. | diving.tank | -2022172587 |
Door CloserAutomatically closes your doors when left open. | door.closer | 1409529282 |
Door ControllerA Door Controller. Will manipulate the state of the closest door when it receives power | electric.doorcontroller | -502177121 |
Door KeyA key to a door, created from a Lock. Keep this item safe; if lost you'll be unable to open the door again! | door.key | -1112793865 |
Double Barrel ShotgunA Shotgun with two barrels allowing two shots to be fired in quick succession before needing to reload. | shotgun.double | -765183617 |
Double Horse SaddleA horse saddle with two seats. Having this item allows you to claim a horse in a stable by holding E and selecting the "Claim" option | horse.saddle.double | -1323101799 |
Double Sign PostA double sign post that you can plant into terrain. | sign.post.double | 1521286012 |
Dracula CapeA robustly thick outer garment providing ample protection to the wearer. | draculacape | -258574361 |
Dracula MaskA classic halloween costume mask which provides decent protection. | draculamask | 1865253052 |
Dragon Door KnockerA heavy brass door knocker | dragondoorknocker | -854270928 |
Dragon MaskA special dragon mask to celebrate Chinese New Year | hat.dragonmask | -22883916 |
DroneA remote controlled drone operated from the Computer station with a limited range. Easily damaged from impacts. | drone | 1588492232 |
Drop BoxThis item can be deployed on walls so that players can input items from the exterior of the building for safe keeping. You can only access the submitted contents of the Drop Box from the rear. | dropbox | -1519126340 |
Duct TapeA versatile adhesive tape reinforced with cloth. | ducttape | 1401987718 |
Easter Door WreathA beautiful, hand crafted Easter themed door wreath. | easterdoorwreath | -979302481 |
Egg BasketAn easter egg basket. Equip to pick up eggs during an easter egg hunt with left click. Use right click to throw | easterbasket | 1856217390 |
Egg SuitAn eggsquisite egg costume, can be painted when unequipped. | attire.egg.suit | -747743875 |
Electric FurnaceAn electrical version of a furnace that uses electricity instead of a fuel source. | electric.furnace | -1196547867 |
Electric FuseAn unreliable electric fuse. Will allow electrical passthrough for a period of time. | fuse | -629028935 |
Electric HeaterProvides warmth in a radius when on | electric.heater | -784870360 |
Electrical BranchThis object allows you to branch power off from a main line by a set amount. | electrical.branch | -1448252298 |
ElevatorA powered elevator. Place another elevator above or below this to connect it. Requires power. | elevator | 1177596584 |
Empty Can Of BeansAn empty Can of Beans. Can be smelted into Metal Fragments. | can.beans.empty | 1655979682 |
Empty Propane TankStrong metal object. | propanetank | -1673693549 |
Empty Tuna CanAn empty Can of Tuna. Can be smelted into Metal Fragments. | can.tuna.empty | -1557377697 |
Engine Vehicle ModuleSingle module large engine. | vehicle.1mod.engine | 1559779253 |
Eoka PistolA very cheap, very ineffective, and very unreliable pistol that fires shells. | pistol.eoka | -75944661 |
Explosive 5.56 Rifle AmmoThis ammo explodes on contact dealing a small amount of fragmentation damage to nearby objects. | ammo.rifle.explosive | -1321651331 |
ExplosivesA component used for crafting C4 and Rockets. | explosives | -592016202 |
Extended MagazineLarger magazine size | weapon.mod.extendedmags | 2005491391 |
F1 GrenadeReliable explosive device. | grenade.f1 | 143803535 |
FertilizerHelps plants grow by increasing ground condition. Produced in a composter. | fertilizer | -930193596 |
Festive Doorway GarlandA Festive decoration to spruce up your doorway during the holdiays! | xmas.door.garland | 674734128 |
Festive Double Doorway GarlandA Festive decoration to spruce up your double doorway during the holidays! | xmas.double.door.garland | -1230433643 |
Festive Window GarlandA Festive decoration to spruce up your windows during the holdiays! | xmas.window.garland | -1379835144 |
Fire ArrowA fuel soaked arrow, ignite it by aiming. | arrow.fire | 14241751 |
Firecracker StringHappy Lunar New Year! | lunar.firecrackers | -1961560162 |
Fish TrophyA wall mountable item to show off your greatest catches. Fish not included. | fishtrophy | -1913996738 |
Fishing TackleFishing Tackle | fishing.tackle | -1707425764 |
Flame ThrowerA Flamethrower. Uses low grade fuel as ammunition. | flamethrower | -1215753368 |
Flame TurretAutomated Flame turret. Requires Low Grade Fuel. Sprays flames when triggered. | flameturret | 528668503 |
FlareLight up the night sky with this brand new red flare! | flare | 304481038 |
FlashbangA bright explosive device which blinds and disorients anyone near it upon detonation | grenade.flashbang | -936921910 |
Flasher LightA flashing blue light | electric.flasherlight | -939424778 |
FlashlightA powerful flashlight which illuminates your surroundings and can be used as a weapon. | flashlight.held | -196667575 |
Flatbed Vehicle ModuleSingle module flatbed. | vehicle.1mod.flatbed | -1880231361 |
Floor grillA floor grill must be placed in floor frames. Perfect for placing above a large furnace. | floor.grill | 936496778 |
Floor triangle grillA floor grill must be placed in floor frames. Perfect for placing above a large furnace. | floor.triangle.grill | 1983621560 |
Fluid CombinerCombines three separate fluid connections into one connection. | fluid.combiner | -265292885 |
Fluid SplitterSplits a fluid connection into three separate connections. | fluid.splitter | -1166712463 |
Fluid Switch & PumpA simple switch that enables fluid to pass through. Can be switched on/off manually or via electricity. Can also pump water upwards to higher entities when powered. | fluid.switch | 443432036 |
Fogger-3000A Fog machine which runs on low grade fuel. Can be set to fill an area with a dense fog or triggered by motion. | fogmachine | -1973785141 |
Frankenstein MaskFrankenstein halloween costume mask which provides decent protection. | frankensteinmask | -1647389398 |
Frankenstein TablePlace a monsters head, torso and legs into the table to summon Frankensteins monster. | frankensteintable | 1575635062 |
FridgeA fridge you can store food into! | fridge | 1413014235 |
Frog BootsThank you for playing the game through its early access run. Enjoy these boots made from radiation resistant frog rubber. | boots.frog | -1000573653 |
Frontier Bolts Single Item RackArtfully display your weapon with a handcrafted wall-mounted single weapon rack. | gunrack.single.1.horizontal | 1973949960 |
Frontier Horns Single Item RackArtfully display your weapon with a handcrafted wall-mounted single weapon rack. | gunrack.single.3.horizontal | -52398594 |
Frontier Horseshoe Single Item RackArtfully display your weapon with a handcrafted wall-mounted single weapon rack. | gunrack.single.2.horizontal | -849373693 |
Fuel Tank Vehicle ModuleDual module large fuel tank. | vehicle.2mod.fuel.tank | 1186655046 |
FurnaceA Furnace. Use it to smelt mined ore. | furnace | -1999722522 |
Garage DoorA garage door that rolls up and down. | wall.frame.garagedoor | -148794216 |
Garry's Mod Tool GunCelebrating 15 Years of Garry's Mod! Use this tool gun to upgrade building parts. Right-click for the options. You can also pick up deployed objects while the hammer is equipped. | toolgun | 1803831286 |
Gas Compression OverdriveAn internal weapon mod which compresses and directs gasses used for cycling the weapon to the barrel, effectively increasing projectile velocity and damage at the expense of cycle rate. | weapon.mod.gascompressionovedrive | -1767794021 |
Gas MaskA Gas Mask | hat.gas.mask | 1659114910 |
GearsA selection of gears. Some functional, some not. | gears | 479143914 |
Geiger CounterA geiger counter used by scientists | geiger.counter | 999690781 |
Ghost CostumeDefinitely not a last minute costume idea. | ghostsheet | -1043618880 |
Giant Candy DecorGet into the holiday spirit with this decorative inflated giant candy cane | giantcandycanedecor | -695124222 |
Giant Lollipop DecorGet into the holiday spirit with these decorative giant lollipops | giantlollipops | 282103175 |
Gingerbread SuitA suit made of gingerbread, slightly crunchy. | gingerbreadsuit | -558880549 |
Glowing Eyesglowing eyes | gloweyes | -690276911 |
GlueA strong adhesive. | glue | -1899491405 |
Gold EggA Gold Egg. Containing the best easter loot. | easter.goldegg | -1002156085 |
Granola BarGranola Bar found as loot. Eating it provides a small boost to health, hunger. | granolabar | -746030907 |
GravestoneA Gravestone marking the remains of an unknown soul | gravestone | 809199956 |
Graveyard FenceA Spooky Fence | wall.graveyard.fence | -1679267738 |
Green BerryA green berry. Can be eaten or used in mixing table recipes to create teas. | green.berry | 858486327 |
Green Berry CloneA clipping of a Green Berry Plant. | clone.green.berry | -1305326964 |
Green Berry SeedThese green berry seeds can be planted in the ground and grown to collect additional food. Planting these seeds in a planter, and then watering them with large quantities of water yields significantly more Corn and faster groth. | seed.green.berry | -1776128552 |
Green BoomerA very large mortar type firework with a green starburst | firework.boomer.green | -656349006 |
Green Industrial Wall LightA small green light source. | industrial.wall.light.green | 1268178466 |
Green KeycardA low level clearance card granting access to basic areas. | keycard_green | 37122747 |
Green Roman CandleA small repeating firework, shoots a series of Green balls into the air | firework.romancandle.green | -1306288356 |
GrubA pale, fleshy insect that can be used for bait. Could also be eaten in desperate situations. | grub | -568419968 |
Gun PowderMade from Sulfur and Charcoal, a key ingredient of anything that goes bang! | gunpowder | -265876753 |
HBHF SensorA Heartbeat, Breathing, Humidity and Footstep sensor. Passthrough is equal to the number of humans detected in a 10m radius | electric.hbhfsensor | -1507239837 |
HMLMGA hand made belt-fed light machine gun with high damage, high rate of fire, low accuracy during short bursts. | hmlmg | -1214542497 |
HV 5.56 Rifle AmmoThis ammunition travels faster, resulting in less drop and slightly higher damage when fired over long distances. | ammo.rifle.hv | 1712070256 |
HV Pistol AmmoThis ammunition travels faster, resulting in less drop and slightly higher damage when fired over long distances. | ammo.pistol.hv | -1691396643 |
Halloween CandySome loose halloween candy Collect 10 to upgrade to a Small Loot Bag! | halloween.candy | -888153050 |
HammerA Hammer, used to upgrade building materials. Right-click for the options. You can also pick up deployed objects while the hammer is equipped. | hammer | 200773292 |
HandcuffsHandcuffs | handcuffs | -839576748 |
Handmade Fishing RodUse [attack2] to cast out the line and wait for a bite. Requires bait. | fishingrod.handmade | 1569882109 |
Handmade SMGAn extremely basic automatic firearm. Low damage and accuracy. | t1_smg | 2083256995 |
Handmade ShellShoddy ammo with multiple projectiles. | ammo.handmade.shell | 588596902 |
HatchetA Hatchet, useful for chopping trees and dismembering corpses. | hatchet | -1252059217 |
Hazmat PlushyA plushy of your favourite outfit made by the fabulous people at YouTooz.com | hazmat.plushy | 1578317134 |
Hazmat SuitA hazmat suit made from radiation resistant rubber. | hazmatsuit | 1266491000 |
Hazmat YoutoozHazmat Youtooz | hazmatyoutooz | -1696379844 |
Head BagA sack containing the head of a defeated foe. Can be added to trophies. | head.bag | 209218760 |
HeadsetEvery gamer needs a headset! - Gained from Rust's first Twitch drop event. | twitch.headset | -1569700847 |
Heavy Frankenstein HeadSlightly slower, slightly stronger. Combined at a Frankenstein Table to create your very own monster. | frankensteins.monster.03.head | -297099594 |
Heavy Frankenstein LegsSlightly slower, slightly stronger. Combined at a Frankenstein Table to create your very own monster. | frankensteins.monster.03.legs | -2024549027 |
Heavy Frankenstein TorsoSlightly slower, slightly stronger. Combined at a Frankenstein Table to create your very own monster. | frankensteins.monster.03.torso | 1614528785 |
Heavy Plate HelmetOffers superior protection at the cost of reduced vision and movement speed. | heavy.plate.helmet | 1181207482 |
Heavy Plate JacketOffers superior protection at the cost of aiming down sights and reduced movement speed. | heavy.plate.jacket | -1102429027 |
Heavy Plate PantsOffers superior protection at the cost of reduced movement speed. | heavy.plate.pants | -1778159885 |
Heavy Scientist SuitA heavy hazmat suit made from radiation resistant rubber. | scientistsuit_heavy | -1772746857 |
Heavy Scientist YoutoozHeavy Scientist Youtooz | heavyscientistyoutooz | -722629980 |
Hemp CloneA clipping of a hemp plant. | clone.hemp | -886280491 |
Hemp SeedHemp seeds can be found when picking wild Hemp. These seeds can be planted in the ground and grown to collect additional cloth. Planting these seeds in a planter, and then watering them with large quantities of water yields significantly more cloth and faster growth. | seed.hemp | -237809779 |
HerringA small fish commonly found in a variety of water sources. | fish.herring | -1698937385 |
Hide BootsBoots made from the hide of an animal. | attire.hide.boots | 794356786 |
Hide HalterneckA Halterneck made from the hide of an animal. | attire.hide.helterneck | 3222790 |
Hide PantsTrousers made from the hide of an animal. | attire.hide.pants | 1722154847 |
Hide PonchoA Poncho made from the hide of an animal. | attire.hide.poncho | 980333378 |
Hide SkirtA Skirt made from the hide of an animal. | attire.hide.skirt | -1773144852 |
Hide VestA Vest made from the hide of an animal. | attire.hide.vest | 196700171 |
High Caliber RevolverHigh Caliber Revolver | revolver.hc | -92315244 |
High External Stone GateA high stone gate, allowing access in and out of your compound. | gates.external.high.stone | -691113464 |
High External Stone WallA high stone wall used to keep people off your property. | wall.external.high.stone | -967648160 |
High External Wooden GateA high wooden gate, allowing access in and out of your compound. | gates.external.high.wood | -335089230 |
High External Wooden WallA high wooden wall used to keep people off your property. | wall.external.high | 99588025 |
High Ice WallA very high ice wall to protect your property. | wall.external.high.ice | -985781766 |
High Quality CarburetorA high quality carburetor for a combustion engine. Mixes air and fuel to the proper ratio. | carburetor3 | 656371026 |
High Quality CrankshaftA high quality crankshaft for a combustion engine. Converts piston movement into rotational motion. | crankshaft3 | 1158340332 |
High Quality Horse ShoesEquipping these horse shoes will grant your horse additional movement speed | horse.shoes.advanced | 1989785143 |
High Quality MetalHigh quality metal suitable for armor and weapons construction. | metal.refined | 317398316 |
High Quality Metal OreA rock containing High Quality Metal. Can be smelted in a furnace. | hq.metal.ore | -1982036270 |
High Quality PistonsHigh quality pistons for a combustion engine. Pistons convert expanding combustion gases into the motion that turns a crankshaft. | piston3 | 1883981800 |
High Quality Spark PlugsHigh quality spark plugs for a combustion engine. Spark plugs ignite the fuel/air mixture to move the pistons. | sparkplug3 | 1072924620 |
High Quality ValvesHigh quality poppet valves for a combustion engine. Valves control the intake and exhaust flow. | valve3 | -1802083073 |
High Velocity ArrowLighter, faster arrow that deals less damage. | arrow.hv | -1023065463 |
High Velocity RocketFast moving rocket ammunition. Short to medium range self-propelled, unguided rocket which deals large splash damage on impact but less damage than a normal rocket. | ammo.rocket.hv | -1841918730 |
Hitch & TroughA Hitching post and Trough. Dismounting your horses here will keep them healthy and fed as long as it is kept stocked with food. | hitchtroughcombo | 1160881421 |
Hobo BarrelA vagabond staple. Use this repurposed oil barrel to stay warm. | hobobarrel | -1442559428 |
Hockey MaskA protective facemask which provides the user with excellent head protection from all forms of attacks. | metal.facemask.hockey | -1334569149 |
HolosightUses laser projection to create a holographic sight which is always pointing at the target regardless of view angle. | weapon.mod.holosight | 442289265 |
Homemade LandmineHomemade Landmine. If you stand on one, you can ask a friend to disarm it before it explodes. | trap.landmine | -1663759755 |
Homing MissileFast moving rocket ammunition. Uses a type of radar for active target guidance from a Homing Launcher | ammo.rocket.seeker | 1296788329 |
Homing Missile LauncherAn active-guidance homing missile launcher. Once launched, the target must be tracked by the launcher until impact. Can be distracted by flares. | homingmissile.launcher | -218009552 |
HoodieA hoodie. | hoodie | 1751045826 |
Horizontal Weapon RackArtfully display your arsenal with a handcrafted wall-mounted weapon rack. | gunrack.horizontal | -246672609 |
Horse DungFresh and fertile. | horsedung | -1579932985 |
Hose ToolA tool used to make fluid connections between objects. Aim at an object and click on an input/output handle, then click on another object's input/output handle to form a connection. | hosetool | 363163265 |
Hot Air Balloon ArmorArmor for the Hot Air Balloon | hab.armor | -1989600732 |
Huge Wooden SignA 6-meter by 3-meter wooden sign that you can write on. | sign.wooden.huge | -143132326 |
Human SkullA human skull. | skull.human | 996293980 |
Hunting BowHunting Bow, useful for short to medium range combat and hunting. | bow.hunting | 1443579727 |
Ice SculptureAn block of ice you can sculpt. | sculpture.ice | 504109620 |
Ice ThroneEvery home needs a chair. A decorative item which provides comfort while seated. | chair.icethrone | -1944704288 |
IgniterIgnites nearby objects such as furnaces and campfires when power is received | electric.igniter | -44876289 |
Improvised BalaclavaA home made balaclava. | mask.balaclava | -2012470695 |
Incendiary 5.56 Rifle AmmoSlower moving ammunition that deals fire damage. There's a small chance it will start a fire. | ammo.rifle.incendiary | 605467368 |
Incendiary Pistol BulletSlower moving ammunition that deals fire damage. There's a small chance it will start a fire. | ammo.pistol.fire | 51984655 |
Incendiary RocketCreates flames upon impact. | ammo.rocket.fire | 1638322904 |
Industrial CombinerCombines three separate industrial connections into one connection. | industrial.combiner | 1538126328 |
Industrial ConveyorMoves an item from one container to another. | industrial.conveyor | 610102428 |
Industrial CrafterAttaches to a workbench to allow automated crafting. | industrial.crafter | 1430085198 |
Industrial SplitterSplits an industrial connection into three separate connections. | industrial.splitter | 742745918 |
Industrial Wall LightA small light source. | industrial.wall.light | 1623701499 |
Inner TubeAn inflated tube for aquatic activities. | innertube | -697981032 |
Instant CameraAn instant camera. Take photos with primary fire, zoom in and out with secondary fire, and change focus mode with reload. | tool.instant_camera | -2001260025 |
Jack O Lantern AngryA Lantern. Place it where you need light. | jackolantern.angry | 1242482355 |
Jack O Lantern HappyA Lantern. Place it where you need light. | jackolantern.happy | -1824943010 |
JacketA rugged jacket. | jacket | -1163532624 |
JackhammerA Pneumatic Jackhammer to blast through ore nodes. The sheer power of this device requires no aiming as all weak spots will be instantly destroyed. Works well on human flesh. Can be refilled at a Workbench. | jackhammer | 1488979457 |
Jerry Can GuitarTake advantage of the unique acoustics of the Jerry Can Guitar to play some rustic tunes. | fun.jerrycanguitar | -979951147 |
JumpsuitA Jumpsuit | jumpsuit.suit | -97459906 |
Junkyard Drum KitAn array of pots, pans and buckets that passes as a serviceable Drum Kit. Three cymbals, some Tom Drums and a Kick Drum means you can easily lay down a beat. | drumkit | -1330640246 |
KayakAn improvised wooden kayak. Seats two and requires a Paddle to operate. | kayak | 190184021 |
Key LockPlace on a door to avoid any unwelcome guests. To craft your key first place the lock on a door and hold E while looking at the Key lock and select 'Create Key', a key will now be added to your crafting queue. If the key is lost, you cannot make another, so don't forget to make extras and put them in a safe place! | lock.key | -850982208 |
L96 RifleA military grade high powered, long range rifle with great accuracy. | rifle.l96 | -778367295 |
LR-300 Assault RifleStalk your enemies with this high powered light assault rifle. | rifle.lr300 | -1812555177 |
Ladder HatchA hatch that opens and changes into a ladder. | floor.ladder.hatch | 1948067030 |
Landscape Photo FrameA landscape oriented canvas for artists paintings. | photoframe.landscape | 1697996440 |
Landscape Picture FrameA landscape oriented canvas for artists paintings. | sign.pictureframe.landscape | -845557339 |
LanternA Lantern. Place it where you need light, requires low grade fuel to work. | lantern | 1658229558 |
Large Animated Neon SignA large, animated neon sign! | sign.neon.xl.animated | 1643667218 |
Large BackpackA larger military backpack that can hold items inside it | largebackpack | -907422733 |
Large Banner HangingA large banner hanging on a wall. | sign.hanging.banner.large | 23352662 |
Large Banner on poleA large banner hanging on a pole. | sign.pole.banner.large | 2070189026 |
Large Candle SetLarge Candles | largecandles | -489848205 |
Large Flatbed Vehicle ModuleDual module large flatbed. | vehicle.2mod.flatbed | -1693832478 |
Large FurnaceUsed to smelt large quantities of ore. Difficult to secure, must be placed on terrain. | furnace.large | -1992717673 |
Large Hunting TrophyA large trophy stand to mount the head of killed animals or enemies. | huntingtrophylarge | 960673498 |
Large Loot BagA massive haul. Contains the best halloween loot | halloween.lootbag.large | 479292118 |
Large MedkitA large medkit that heals you to max health over time and stops any bleeding instantly. Guarantees 100% recovery from the wounded state if placed in your toolbar. | largemedkit | 254522515 |
Large Neon SignA large neon sign! | sign.neon.xl | 866332017 |
Large Photo FrameA large frame for your photos. | photoframe.large | 1205084994 |
Large Planter BoxA large planter with enough room to plant 9 seeds. | planter.large | 1581210395 |
Large PresentA Large Present, the best there is. Unwrap it now! | xmas.present.large | -1622660759 |
Large Rechargeable BatteryA Large Rechargeable Battery. Must have a minimum charge of 5 seconds to discharge. Can be wired in series. Charging rate is dependant on power in, with a maximum of 80% efficiency. | electric.battery.rechargable.large | 553270375 |
Large Solar PanelA solar panel which converts sunlight into energy. The amount of energy generated is dependent on the sun's intensity and angle to the panel. | electric.solarpanel.large | 2090395347 |
Large Water CatcherCollects drinkable water from the air via rain and dew. Can be connected to other entities to provide water, 20ml a second. | water.catcher.large | -1100168350 |
Large Wood BoxKeep your things in this wooden storage box. Stores up to 48 items. | box.wooden.large | 833533164 |
Large Wooden SignA 3-meter by 1.5-meter wooden sign that you can write on. | sign.wooden.large | 1153652756 |
Laser DetectorA gate which allows power to flow while a player is in the beam | electric.laserdetector | -798293154 |
Laser LightA small device that shoots out visible lasers in time to music. | laserlight | 853471967 |
LeatherLeather from an animal. Used in many clothing items and more. | leather | 1381010055 |
Leather GlovesGloves made out of leather, offers a small amount of protection to the upper body. | burlap.gloves | 1366282552 |
Legacy Wood ShelterThe classic s*** shack. A great starter base for any fresh spawn. You can only have one shelter deployed at anytime. | legacy.shelter.wood | 607400343 |
Light Frankenstein HeadSlightly faster, slightly weaker. Combined at a Frankenstein Table to create your very own monster. | frankensteins.monster.01.head | -134959124 |
Light Frankenstein LegsSlightly faster, slightly weaker. Combined at a Frankenstein Table to create your very own monster. | frankensteins.monster.01.legs | 106959911 |
Light Frankenstein TorsoSlightly faster, slightly weaker. Combined at a Frankenstein Table to create your very own monster. | frankensteins.monster.01.torso | -1624770297 |
Light-Up Frame LargeA large light up frame | lightup.large | 242421166 |
LockerA locker for keeping your clothes and armor safe! | locker | -110921842 |
Longsleeve T-ShirtA t-shirt with long sleeves. | tshirt.long | 935692442 |
LongswordA powerful 2-handed melee weapon with good range and high damage. | longsword | -1469578201 |
Low Grade FuelLow Grade Fuel, used to power light sources. | lowgradefuel | -946369541 |
Low Quality CarburetorA low quality carburetor for a combustion engine. Mixes air and fuel to the proper ratio. | carburetor1 | 656371028 |
Low Quality CrankshaftA low quality crankshaft for a combustion engine. Converts piston movement into rotational motion. | crankshaft1 | 1158340334 |
Low Quality PistonsLow quality pistons for a combustion engine. Pistons convert expanding combustion gases into the motion that turns a crankshaft. | piston1 | 1883981798 |
Low Quality Spark PlugsLow quality spark plugs for a combustion engine. Spark plugs ignite the fuel/air mixture to move the pistons. | sparkplug1 | -89874794 |
Low Quality ValvesLow quality poppet valves for a combustion engine. Valves control the intake and exhaust flow. | valve1 | 1330084809 |
Lumberjack HoodieA Lumberjack Hoodie | lumberjack hoodie | -763071910 |
Lunar New Year SpearA Chinese themed New Year themed metal Spear | spear.cny | 695450239 |
M249High damage, high rate of fire, belt fed light machine gun. | lmg.m249 | -2069578888 |
M39 RifleMilitary grade semi auto rifle | rifle.m39 | 28201841 |
M4 ShotgunA semi automatic military issue shotgun | shotgun.m4 | 678698219 |
M92 PistolA semi-automatic Pistol. Fires rapidly and with good accuracy. Military Grade | pistol.m92 | -852563019 |
MLRS Aiming ModuleAn aiming system computer module for an MLRS vehicle. | aiming.module.mlrs | 343045591 |
MLRS RocketA rocket intended for use in an MLRS (Multiple Launch Rocket System). | ammo.rocket.mlrs | -1843426638 |
MP5A4A medium damage machine gun. | smg.mp5 | 1318558775 |
MaceA powerful 2-handed melee weapon, It's unique design makes it easier to hit your target when compared to other more traditional weapons. | mace | -1966748496 |
MacheteA brutal weapon with good range. | machete | -1137865085 |
Mail BoxA Mailbox that accepts notes. Only you can access the mail due to a one way slit. | mailbox | -586784898 |
Medical SyringeHeal yourself or others with this syringe. Left-click heals you, right-click heals a target. | syringe.medical | 1079279582 |
Medium Animated Neon SignAn animated neon sign! | sign.neon.125x215.animated | 42535890 |
Medium Frankenstein HeadA balanced head. Combined at a Frankenstein Table to create your very own monster. | frankensteins.monster.02.head | -1732475823 |
Medium Frankenstein LegsA balanced set of legs. Combined at a Frankenstein Table to create your very own monster. | frankensteins.monster.02.legs | 835042040 |
Medium Frankenstein TorsoA balanced torso. Combined at a Frankenstein Table to create your very own monster. | frankensteins.monster.02.torso | 1491753484 |
Medium Loot BagContains medium level loot, Collect 10 to upgrade to a Large loot bag, containing the best loot | halloween.lootbag.medium | 1899610628 |
Medium Neon SignA medium neon sign! | sign.neon.125x215 | -1423304443 |
Medium PresentA medium present, might be good! Collect 5 to upgrade to a larger present. | xmas.present.medium | 756517185 |
Medium Quality CarburetorA medium quality carburetor for a combustion engine. Mixes air and fuel to the proper ratio. | carburetor2 | 656371027 |
Medium Quality CrankshaftA medium quality crankshaft for a combustion engine. Converts piston movement into rotational motion. | crankshaft2 | 1158340331 |
Medium Quality PistonsMedium quality pistons for a combustion engine. Pistons convert expanding combustion gases into the motion that turns a crankshaft. | piston2 | 1883981801 |
Medium Quality Spark PlugsMedium quality spark plugs for a combustion engine. Spark plugs ignite the fuel/air mixture to move the pistons. | sparkplug2 | -493159321 |
Medium Quality ValvesMedium quality poppet valves for a combustion engine. Valves control the intake and exhaust flow. | valve2 | 926800282 |
Medium Rechargeable BatteryA Medium Rechargable Battery. Must have a minimum charge of 5 seconds to discharge. Can be wired in series. Charging rate is dependant on power in, with a maximum of 80% efficiency. | electric.battery.rechargable.medium | 2023888403 |
Medium Wooden SignA 2-meter by 1-meter wooden sign that you can write on. | sign.wooden.medium | -1819233322 |
MegaphoneA megaphone that lets you broadcast your voice. [attack] to activate your voice. | megaphone | -583379016 |
Memory CellA 1 bit storage component. SET input will set the value to 1 CLEAR input sets the value to 0. Output will provide connected power if value is 1, Inverted output will provide connected power if value is 0. This is also known as a D-Type Flip Flop | electrical.memorycell | -746647361 |
Metal BarricadeA tough metal barricade with barbed wire, made from Metal Fragments. The barbed wire causes damage and will also slow player movement. | barricade.metal | 1655650836 |
Metal BladeA Metal Blade for making melee weapons. | metalblade | 1882709339 |
Metal Chest PlateA metal plate covering your torso, provides excellent protection from all forms of attacks. | metal.plate.torso | 1110385766 |
Metal DetectorDetects metal objects which may otherwise be hidden. When the light flashes, or you hear a beep, aim to search for items. Increase the bar until a flag appears. Dig at the flag with a melee item to reveal what it is. Different areas yield different rewards | metal.detector | 1168856825 |
Metal FacemaskA protective facemask which provides the user with excellent head protection from all forms of attacks. | metal.facemask | -194953424 |
Metal FragmentsMetal Fragments. Smelted from Metal Ore, used in lots of different crafting recipes. | metal.fragments | 69511070 |
Metal OreA naturally occurring rock containing metal and metal compounds. You can extract this metal using a furnace. | metal.ore | -4031221 |
Metal PipeMetal Pipe. | metalpipe | 95950017 |
Metal Shop FrontA bulletproof shop front for secure trades. | wall.frame.shopfront.metal | -148229307 |
Metal SpringA metal spring. Used to provide motion or resistance in objects. | metalspring | -1021495308 |
Metal Vertical embrasureStatic shutter that forms a metal vertical embrasure over your window frame. | shutter.metal.embrasure.b | -1199897172 |
Metal Window BarsMetal window bars made to fit a normal sized window. | wall.window.bars.metal | -819720157 |
Metal horizontal embrasureStatic shutter that forms a metal horizontal embrasure over your window frame. | shutter.metal.embrasure.a | -1199897169 |
Microphone StandA powered microphone that lets you broadcast your voice. Press [+attack2] to change voice mode between high and low pitch. | microphonestand | 39600618 |
Military Flame ThrowerA Military grade flamethrower. Uses low grade fuel as ammunition. | military flamethrower | 703057617 |
Minecart PlanterA small planter with enough room to plant 2 seeds. | minecart.planter | 1361520181 |
Miners HatA leather cap with a flashlight attached. It uses Low Grade Fuel and can be activated from the inventory. | hat.miner | -1539025626 |