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Junkyard Shredder

Junkyard Shredder

A big shredder that can recycle Vehicles. Located at the Junkyard.

Vehicle Shredding

The Junkyard Shredder can break down the following vehicles...

Module Shredding

When shredding a modular car chassis, any attached modules add the following resources to the output of the Junkyard Shredder...

Resource Output
Fuel Tank Vehicle ModuleFuel Tank Vehicle Module
Passenger Vehicle ModulePassenger Vehicle Module
Camper Vehicle ModuleCamper Vehicle Module
Taxi Vehicle ModuleTaxi Vehicle Module
Cockpit Vehicle ModuleCockpit Vehicle Module
Armored Cockpit Vehicle ModuleArmored Cockpit Vehicle Module
    Metal Fragments


    High Quality Metal


Armored Passenger Vehicle ModuleArmored Passenger Vehicle Module
    Metal Fragments


    High Quality Metal


Rear Seats Vehicle ModuleRear Seats Vehicle Module
Large Flatbed Vehicle ModuleLarge Flatbed Vehicle Module
Cockpit With Engine Vehicle ModuleCockpit With Engine Vehicle Module
Flatbed Vehicle ModuleFlatbed Vehicle Module
Engine Vehicle ModuleEngine Vehicle Module
    Metal Fragments


    High Quality Metal


Storage Vehicle ModuleStorage Vehicle Module

Where To Find

You can find the Junkyard Shredder in the following ways...
