mainmenusystem.ignoreeditorescapekey Default: False |
accessibility.allynametagcolour Default: 0 |
accessibility.applyallchanges |
accessibility.buildingblockedzonecolour Default: 0 |
accessibility.clannametagcolour Default: 0 |
accessibility.disablemovementininventory Default: False |
accessibility.enemynametagcolour Default: 0 |
accessibility.healthbarcolour Default: 0 |
accessibility.holosightcolour Default: 0 |
accessibility.hungerbarcolour Default: 0 |
accessibility.hydrationbarcolour Default: 0 |
accessibility.ioarrowinputcolor Default: 0 |
accessibility.ioarrowoutputcolor Default: 0 |
accessibility.laserdetectorcolour Default: 0 |
accessibility.mushroomcolour Default: 0 |
accessibility.teamnametagcolour Default: 0 |
accessibility.treemarkercolor Default: 0 |
adventcalendar.overrideadventcalendarday Default: 0 |
adventcalendar.overrideadventcalendarmonth Default: 0 |
AI |
ai.accuratevisiondistance Default: True |
ai.addignoreplayer Add a player (or command user if no player is specified) to the AIs ignore list. |
ai.aidebug_loadbalanceoverduereport |
ai.aidebug_lookat |
ai.aizonestats |
ai.allowdesigning Default: True |
ai.animal_ignore_food If animal_ignore_food is true, animals will not sense food sources or interact with them (server optimization). (default: true) Default: True |
ai.brainstats |
ai.clearignoredplayers Remove all players from the AIs ignore list. |
ai.debugvis Default: False |
ai.designing Default: False |
NEW Added 3/6/2025 ai.effectaiweapons Default: False |
ai.frametime Default: 5 |
ai.groundalign Default: True |
ai.groups Default: True |
ai.ignoreplayers Default: False |
ai.killanimals |
ai.killscientists |
NEW Added 3/6/2025 ai.logissues Default: False |
ai.maxgroundaligndist Default: 60 |
ai.move Default: True |
ai.nav_carve_height The height of the carve volume. (default: 2) Default: 2 |
ai.nav_carve_min_base_size The minimum size we allow a carving volume to be. (default: 2) Default: 2 |
ai.nav_carve_min_building_blocks_to_apply_optimization The minimum number of building blocks a building needs to consist of for this optimization to be applied. (default: 25) Default: 25 |
ai.nav_carve_size_multiplier The size multiplier applied to the size of the carve volume. The smaller the value, the tighter the skirt around foundation edges, but too small and animals can attack through walls. (default: 4) Default: 4 |
ai.nav_carve_use_building_optimization If nav_carve_use_building_optimization is true, we attempt to reduce the amount of navmesh carves for a building. (default: false) Default: False |
ai.navthink Default: True |
ai.npc_alertness_drain_rate npc_alertness_drain_rate define the rate at which we drain the alertness level of an NPC when there are no enemies in sight. (Default: 0.01) Default: 0.01 |
ai.npc_alertness_to_aim_modifier This is multiplied with the current alertness (0-10) to decide how long it will take for the NPC to deliberately miss again. (default: 0.33) Default: 0.5 |
ai.npc_alertness_zero_detection_mod npc_alertness_zero_detection_mod define the threshold of visibility required to detect an enemy when alertness is zero. (Default: 0.5) Default: 0.5 |
NEW Added 3/6/2025 ai.npc_check_spawner_is_on_navmesh Default: True |
ai.npc_cover_compromised_cooldown npc_cover_compromised_cooldown defines how long a cover point is marked as compromised before it's cleared again for selection. (default: 10) Default: 10 |
ai.npc_cover_info_tick_rate_multiplier The rate at which we gather information about available cover points. Minimum value is 1, as it multiplies with the tick-rate of the fixed AI tick rate of 0.1 (Default: 20) Default: 20 |
ai.npc_cover_path_vs_straight_dist_max_diff npc_cover_path_vs_straight_dist_max_diff defines what the maximum difference between straight-line distance and path distance can be when evaluating cover points. (default: 2) Default: 2 |
ai.npc_cover_use_path_distance If npc_cover_use_path_distance is set to true then npcs will look at the distance between the cover point and their target using the path between the two, rather than the straight-line distance. Default: True |
ai.npc_deliberate_hit_randomizer The percentage away from a maximum miss the randomizer is allowed to travel when shooting to deliberately hit the target (we don't want perfect hits with every shot). (default: 0.85f) Default: 0.85 |
ai.npc_deliberate_miss_offset_multiplier The offset with which the NPC will maximum miss the target. (default: 1.25) Default: 1.25 |
ai.npc_deliberate_miss_to_hit_alignment_time The time it takes for the NPC to deliberately miss to the time the NPC tries to hit its target. (default: 1.5) Default: 1.5 |
ai.npc_door_trigger_size npc_door_trigger_size defines the size of the trigger box on doors that opens the door as npcs walk close to it (default: 1.5) Default: 1.5 |
ai.npc_enable If npc_enable is set to false then npcs won't spawn. (default: true) Default: True |
ai.npc_families_no_hurt If npc_families_no_hurt is true, npcs of the same family won't be able to hurt each other. (default: true) Default: True |
ai.npc_gun_noise_silencer_modifier The modifier by which a silencer reduce the noise that a gun makes when shot. (Default: 0.15) Default: 0.15 |
ai.npc_htn_player_base_damage_modifier Baseline damage modifier for the new HTN Player NPCs to nerf their damage compared to the old NPCs. (default: 1.15f) Default: 1.15 |
ai.npc_htn_player_frustration_threshold npc_htn_player_frustration_threshold defines where the frustration threshold for NPCs go, where they have the opportunity to change to a more aggressive tactic. (default: 3) Default: 3 |
ai.npc_ignore_chairs If npc_ignore_chairs is true, npcs won't care about seeking out and sitting in chairs. (default: true) Default: True |
REMOVED Removed 2/1/2025 ai.npc_junkpile_a_spawn_chance npc_junkpile_a_spawn_chance define the chance for scientists to spawn at junkpile a. (Default: 0.1) Default: 0.1 |
ai.npc_junkpile_dist_aggro_gate npc_junkpile_dist_aggro_gate define at what range (or closer) a junkpile scientist will get aggressive. (Default: 8) Default: 8 |
REMOVED Removed 2/1/2025 ai.npc_junkpile_g_spawn_chance npc_junkpile_g_spawn_chance define the chance for scientists to spawn at junkpile g. (Default: 0.1) Default: 0.1 |
ai.npc_junkpilespawn_chance defines the chance for scientists to spawn at NPC junkpiles. (Default: 0.1) Default: 0.07 |
ai.npc_max_junkpile_count npc_max_junkpile_count define how many npcs can spawn into the world at junkpiles at the same time (does not include monuments) (Default: 30) Default: 30 |
ai.npc_max_population_military_tunnels npc_max_population_military_tunnels defines the size of the npc population at military tunnels. (default: 3) Default: 3 |
ai.npc_max_roam_multiplier This is multiplied with the max roam range stat of an NPC to determine how far from its spawn point the NPC is allowed to roam. (default: 3) Default: 3 |
ai.npc_no_foot_ik Default: True |
ai.npc_only_hurt_active_target_in_safezone If npc_only_hurt_active_target_in_safezone is true, npcs won't any player other than their actively targeted player when in a safe zone. (default: true) Default: True |
ai.npc_patrol_point_cooldown npc_patrol_point_cooldown defines the cooldown time on a patrol point until it's available again (default: 5) Default: 5 |
ai.npc_reasoning_system_tick_rate_multiplier The rate at which we tick the reasoning system. Minimum value is 1, as it multiplies with the tick-rate of the fixed AI tick rate of 0.1 (Default: 1) Default: 1 |
ai.npc_respawn_delay_max_military_tunnels npc_respawn_delay_max_military_tunnels defines the maximum delay between spawn ticks at military tunnels. (default: 1920) Default: 1920 |
ai.npc_respawn_delay_min_military_tunnels npc_respawn_delay_min_military_tunnels defines the minimum delay between spawn ticks at military tunnels. (default: 480) Default: 480 |
ai.npc_sensory_system_tick_rate_multiplier The rate at which we tick the sensory system. Minimum value is 1, as it multiplies with the tick-rate of the fixed AI tick rate of 0.1 (Default: 5) Default: 5 |
ai.npc_spawn_on_cargo_ship Spawn NPCs on the Cargo Ship. (default: true) Default: True |
ai.npc_spawn_on_junkpile Spawn NPCs on junkpiles (default: true) Default: True |
ai.npc_spawn_per_tick_max_military_tunnels npc_spawn_per_tick_max_military_tunnels defines how many can maximum spawn at once at military tunnels. (default: 1) Default: 1 |
ai.npc_spawn_per_tick_min_military_tunnels npc_spawn_per_tick_min_military_tunnels defineshow many will minimum spawn at once at military tunnels. (default: 1) Default: 1 |
ai.npc_speed_crouch_run npc_speed_crouch_run define the speed of an npc when in the crouched run state, and should be a number between 0 and 1. (Default: 0.25) Default: 0.25 |
ai.npc_speed_crouch_walk npc_speed_walk define the speed of an npc when in the crouched walk state, and should be a number between 0 and 1. (Default: 0.1) Default: 0.1 |
ai.npc_speed_run npc_speed_walk define the speed of an npc when in the run state, and should be a number between 0 and 1. (Default: 0.4) Default: 0.4 |
ai.npc_speed_sprint npc_speed_walk define the speed of an npc when in the sprint state, and should be a number between 0 and 1. (Default: 1.0) Default: 1 |
ai.npc_speed_walk npc_speed_walk define the speed of an npc when in the walk state, and should be a number between 0 and 1. (Default: 0.18) Default: 0.18 |
ai.npc_use_new_aim_system If npc_use_new_aim_system is true, npcs will miss on purpose on occasion, where the old system would randomize aim cone. (default: true) Default: True |
ai.npc_use_thrown_weapons If npc_use_thrown_weapons is true, npcs will throw grenades, etc. This is an experimental feature. (default: true) Default: True |
ai.npc_valid_aim_cone npc_valid_aim_cone defines how close their aim needs to be on target in order to fire. (default: 0.8) Default: 0.8 |
ai.npc_valid_mounted_aim_cone npc_valid_mounted_aim_cone defines how close their aim needs to be on target in order to fire while mounted. (default: 0.92) Default: 0.92 |
ai.npcswimming Default: True |
ai.ocean_patrol_path_iterations Default: 100000 |
ai.printignoredplayers Print a lost of all the players in the AI ignore list. |
ai.removeignoreplayer Remove a player (or command user if no player is specified) from the AIs ignore list. |
ai.scientist_spawners_enabled Do any kind of scientists spawn on the map (default: true) Default: True |
ai.selectnpclookat |
ai.selectnpclookatserver |
ai.sensetime Default: 1 |
ai.setdestinationsamplenavmesh Default: True |
ai.showstate |
ai.sleepwake Default: True |
ai.sleepwakestats |
ai.spliceupdates Default: True |
ai.think Default: True |
ai.tickrate Default: 5 |
ai.usecalculatepath Default: True |
ai.usegrid Default: True |
ai.usesetdestinationfallback Default: True |
ai.wakesleepingai |
aibrainsenses.humanknownplayerslosupdateinterval Default: 0.2 |
aibrainsenses.knownplayerslosupdateinterval Default: 0.5 |
aibrainsenses.updateinterval Default: 0.5 |
aiinformationzone.usesimpleloscheck Default: False |
aimanager.ai_dormant If ai_dormant is true, any npc outside the range of players will render itself dormant and take up less resources, but wildlife won't simulate as well. Default: True |
aimanager.ai_dormant_max_wakeup_per_tick ai_dormant_max_wakeup_per_tick defines the maximum number of dormant agents we will wake up in a single tick. (default: 30) Default: 30 |
aimanager.ai_htn_animal_tick_budget ai_htn_animal_tick_budget defines the maximum amount of milliseconds ticking htn animal agents are allowed to consume. (default: 4 ms) Default: 4 |
aimanager.ai_htn_player_junkpile_tick_budget ai_htn_player_junkpile_tick_budget defines the maximum amount of milliseconds ticking htn player junkpile agents are allowed to consume. (default: 4 ms) Default: 4 |
aimanager.ai_htn_player_tick_budget ai_htn_player_tick_budget defines the maximum amount of milliseconds ticking htn player agents are allowed to consume. (default: 4 ms) Default: 4 |
aimanager.ai_htn_use_agency_tick If ai_htn_use_agency_tick is true, the ai manager's agency system will tick htn agents at the ms budgets defined in ai_htn_player_tick_budget and ai_htn_animal_tick_budget. If it's false, each agent registers with the invoke system individually, with no frame-budget restrictions. (default: true) Default: True |
aimanager.ai_to_player_distance_wakeup_range If an agent is beyond this distance to a player, it's flagged for becoming dormant. Default: 160 |
aimanager.nav_disable If set to true the navmesh won't generate.. which means Ai that uses the navmesh won't be able to move Default: False |
aimanager.nav_obstacles_carve_state nav_obstacles_carve_state defines which obstacles can carve the terrain. 0 - No carving, 1 - Only player construction carves, 2 - All obstacles carve. Default: 2 |
aimanager.nav_wait If true we'll wait for the navmesh to generate before completely starting the server. This might cause your server to hitch and lag as it generates in the background. Default: True |
aimanager.pathfindingiterationsperframe The maximum amount of nodes processed each frame in the asynchronous pathfinding process. Increasing this value will cause the paths to be processed faster, but can cause some hiccups in frame rate. Default value is 100, a good range for tuning is between 50 and 500. Default: 100 |
aimanager.setdestination_navmesh_failsafe If set to true, npcs will attempt to place themselves on the navmesh if not on a navmesh when set destination is called. Default: False |
aithinkmanager.animalframebudgetms Default: 2.5 |
aithinkmanager.framebudgetms Default: 2.5 |
aithinkmanager.petframebudgetms Default: 1 |
analytics.analytics_bulk_container_url Azure blob container url for use with client secret authentication |
analytics.analytics_bulk_upload_url Azure blob container url + SAS token, enables a more efficient upload method |
analytics.analytics_header Header key of secret when uploading analytics Default: X-API-KEY |
analytics.analytics_secret Header secret value when uploading analytics |
analytics.azure_client_id Azure client id for authentication |
analytics.azure_client_secret Azure client secret for authentication |
analytics.azure_tenant_id Azure tenant id for authentication |
analytics.gameplay_analytics Toggle whether gameplay analytics is collected Default: False |
analytics.gameplay_tick_analytics Toggle whether gameplay tick analytics is collected Default: False |
analytics.pending_analytics Shows how many analytics events are pending upload |
analytics.pending_analytics Shows how many analytics events are pending upload |
analytics.performance_analytics Toggle to turn off server performance collection Default: True |
analytics.server_analytics_url Default: |
NEW Added 3/6/2025 analytics.small_buffer_send_limit Size of analytics events, in bytes, that we try to send off using the same task thread. To disable, set to -1 Default: 16384 |
antihack.admincheat Default: True |
antihack.build_inside_check Default: 2 |
antihack.build_losradius Default: 0.01 |
antihack.build_losradius_sleepingbag Default: 0.3 |
antihack.build_terraincheck Default: True |
antihack.build_vehiclecheck Default: True |
antihack.debuglevel Default: 1 |
antihack.enforcementlevel Default: 1 |
antihack.eye_clientframes Default: 2 |
antihack.eye_distance_parented_mounted_forgiveness Default: 2 |
antihack.eye_forgiveness Default: 0.4 |
antihack.eye_history_forgiveness Default: 0.1 |
antihack.eye_history_penalty Default: 100 |
antihack.eye_losradius Default: 0.18 |
antihack.eye_noclip_backtracking Default: 0.01 |
antihack.eye_noclip_cutoff Default: 0.06 |
antihack.eye_noclip_margin Default: 0.25 |
antihack.eye_penalty Default: 0 |
antihack.eye_protection Default: 4 |
antihack.eye_serverframes Default: 2 |
antihack.eye_terraincheck Default: True |
antihack.eye_vehiclecheck Default: True |
antihack.flyhack_extrusion Default: 2 |
antihack.flyhack_forgiveness_horizontal Default: 1.5 |
antihack.flyhack_forgiveness_horizontal_inertia Default: 10 |
antihack.flyhack_forgiveness_vertical Default: 1 |
antihack.flyhack_forgiveness_vertical_inertia Default: 7 |
antihack.flyhack_margin Default: 0.1 |
antihack.flyhack_maxsteps Default: 15 |
antihack.flyhack_penalty Default: 100 |
antihack.flyhack_protection Default: 3 |
antihack.flyhack_reject Default: True |
antihack.flyhack_stepsize Default: 0.1 |
antihack.flyhack_usecachedstate Default: True |
antihack.forceposition Default: True |
antihack.impact_effect_distance_forgiveness Default: 0.45 |
antihack.maxdeltatime Default: 1 |
antihack.maxdesync Default: 0.8 |
antihack.maxviolation Default: 100 |
antihack.melee_backtracking Default: 0.01 |
antihack.melee_clientframes Default: 2 |
antihack.melee_forgiveness Default: 0.5 |
antihack.melee_losforgiveness Default: 0.2 |
antihack.melee_penalty Default: 0 |
antihack.melee_protection Default: 4 |
antihack.melee_serverframes Default: 2 |
antihack.melee_terraincheck Default: True |
antihack.melee_vehiclecheck Default: True |
antihack.mesh_inside_check_distance Default: 50 |
antihack.modelstate Default: True |
antihack.noclip_backtracking Default: 0.01 |
antihack.noclip_margin Default: 0.09 |
antihack.noclip_margin_dismount Default: 0.22 |
antihack.noclip_maxsteps Default: 15 |
antihack.noclip_penalty Default: 0 |
antihack.noclip_protection Default: 3 |
antihack.noclip_reject Default: True |
antihack.noclip_stepsize Default: 0.1 |
antihack.objectplacement Default: True |
antihack.projectile_anglechange Default: 60 |
antihack.projectile_backtracking Default: 0.01 |
antihack.projectile_clientframes Default: 2 |
antihack.projectile_damagedepth Default: 2 |
antihack.projectile_desync Default: 1 |
antihack.projectile_distance_forgiveness_minimum Default: 25 |
antihack.projectile_forgiveness Default: 0.5 |
antihack.projectile_impactspawndepth Default: 1 |
antihack.projectile_losforgiveness Default: 0.2 |
antihack.projectile_penalty Default: 0 |
antihack.projectile_positionoffset Default: True |
antihack.projectile_protection Default: 6 |
antihack.projectile_serverframes Default: 2 |
antihack.projectile_terraincheck Default: True |
antihack.projectile_trajectory Default: 2 |
antihack.projectile_trajectory_update Default: 0.02 |
antihack.projectile_update_limit Default: 4 |
antihack.projectile_vehiclecheck Default: True |
antihack.projectile_velocitychange Default: 1.1 |
antihack.relaxationpause Default: 10 |
antihack.relaxationrate Default: 0.1 |
antihack.reporting Default: False |
antihack.rpc_timer_forgiveness Default: 1 |
antihack.rpcstallfade Default: 2.5 |
antihack.rpcstallmode Default: 1 |
antihack.rpcstallthreshold Default: 0.8 |
antihack.server_occlusion_admin_bypass Default: False |
NEW Added 3/6/2025 antihack.server_occlusion_blocked_grid_threshold Default: 0 |
NEW Added 3/6/2025 antihack.server_occlusion_caching Default: True |
NEW Added 3/6/2025 antihack.server_occlusion_neighbour_threshold Default: 2 |
NEW Added 3/6/2025 antihack.server_occlusion_save_grid Default: True |
NEW Added 3/6/2025 antihack.server_occlusion_use_neighbour_thresholds Default: False |
antihack.serverside_fall_damage Default: False |
antihack.speedhack_forgiveness Default: 2 |
antihack.speedhack_forgiveness_inertia Default: 10 |
antihack.speedhack_penalty Default: 0 |
antihack.speedhack_protection Default: 3 |
antihack.speedhack_reject Default: True |
antihack.speedhack_slopespeed Default: 10 |
antihack.terrain_check_geometry Default: False |
antihack.terrain_kill Default: True |
antihack.terrain_padding Default: 0.3 |
antihack.terrain_penalty Default: 100 |
antihack.terrain_protection Default: 1 |
antihack.terrain_timeslice Default: 64 |
antihack.tick_buffer_noclip_threshold Default: 2 |
antihack.tick_buffer_preventions Default: True |
antihack.tick_buffer_reject_threshold Default: 3 |
antihack.tick_buffer_server_lag_threshold Default: 0.3 |
antihack.tick_distance_forgiveness Default: 5 |
antihack.tick_max_distance Default: 1.1 |
antihack.tick_max_distance_falling Default: 4 |
antihack.tick_max_distance_parented Default: 3 |
antihack.tickhistoryforgiveness Default: 0.1 |
antihack.tickhistorytime Default: 0.5 |
antihack.use_legacy_mesh_inside_check Default: True |
antihack.userlevel Default: 2 |
app.alarmcooldown Cooldown time before alarms can send another notification (in seconds) Default: 30 |
app.appban |
app.appunban |
app.connections | |
app.listenip |
app.maxconnections Default: 500 |
app.maxconnectionsperip Default: 5 |
app.maxmessagesize Default: 1048576 |
app.notifications Enables sending push notifications Default: True |
app.pair |
app.port Default: 28083 |
app.publicip |
app.queuelimit Max number of queued messages - set to 0 to disable message processing Default: 100 |
app.regeneratetoken |
app.resetlimiter |
app.retry_initialize Retry initializing the Rust+ companion server if it previously failed |
app.serverid |
app.update Disables updating entirely - emergency use only Default: True |
audio.advancedocclusion Use more advanced sound occlusion Default: False |
audio.ambience Ambience System Default: True |
audio.debugvoicelimiting Default: False |
audio.enablesoundpooling Default: False |
audio.eventaudio Volume Default: 1 |
audio.framebudget Max ms per frame to spend updating sounds Default: 0.3 | Volume Default: 1 |
audio.hqsoundfade Use higher quality sound fades on some sounds Default: False |
audio.instruments Volume Default: 1 |
audio.master Volume Default: 1 |
audio.minupdatefraction Default: 0.1 |
audio.musicvolume Volume Default: 1 |
audio.musicvolumemenu Volume Default: 1 |
audio.printenginesounds print active engine sound info |
audio.printsounds |
audio.speakers Volume Default: 2 |
audio.voiceprops Volume Default: 1 |
audio.voices Volume Default: 1 |
audiointerceptcomponent.debugchannels Default: False |
autoturret.auto_turret_budget_ms How many milliseconds to spend on target scanning per frame Default: 0.5 |
ballistagun.debug Default: False |
ballistagun.reload |
baseboat.do_shore_drift Default: True |
baseboat.drift_speed Default: 1 |
baseboat.generate_paths Default: True |
baseboat.seconds_between_shore_drift |
baseboat.seconds_until_shore_drift |
basefirework.maxactivefireworks Default: 25 |
basefishingrod.forcefail Default: False |
basefishingrod.forcesuccess Default: False |
basefishingrod.immediatehook Default: False |
basefishingrod.showui Default: False |
basemetaldetector.detectlongrangetick Default: 1 |
basemetaldetector.detectminmovementdistance Default: 1 |
basemetaldetector.nearestdistancetick Default: 0.25 |
basemission.missionsenabled Default: True |
basepet.movementupdatebudgetms Default: 1 |
basepet.onlyqueuebasenavmovements Default: True |
basepet.queuedmovementsallowed Default: True |
baseplayer.filterspectatemapteamid When spectating and global.toggleSpectateTeamInfo is set to true on the server, this will filter which team is displayed on the map. 0 = show all Default: -1 |
baseplayer.lifestoryframebudgetms Default: 0.25 |
baseplayer.lootpaneloverride |
baseragdoll.debug_vis Default: False |
baseridableanimal.decayminutes How long before a horse dies unattended Default: 180 |
baseridableanimal.dungtimescale Default: 1 |
baseridableanimal.framebudgetms Default: 1 |
REMOVED Removed 1/3/2025 basesculpture.carveradius Default: 3 |
basesculpture.listsavedsculptures |
basesculpture.loadsculpture |
basesculpture.logmeshstats Default: False |
basesculpture.savesculpture |
basesiegeweapon.outsidedecayminutes How many minutes before a siege weapon loses all its health while outside Default: 600 |
basesubmarine.deepwaterdecayminutes How long before a submarine loses all its health while in deep water Default: 120 |
basesubmarine.outsidedecayminutes How long before a submarine loses all its health while outside. If it's in deep water, deepwaterdecayminutes is used Default: 180 |
basesubmarine.oxygenminutes How long a submarine can stay underwater until players start taking damage from low oxygen Default: 10 |
batching.print_renderers |
batching.refresh_renderers |
batching.renderer_capacity Default: 30000 |
batching.renderer_submeshes Default: 1 |
batching.renderer_threading Default: True |
batching.renderer_vertices Default: 1000 |
batching.renderers Default: True |
batching.verbose Default: 0 |
batching.verbose Default: 0 |
batteringram.maxbuildingblockgrade Default: 2 |
batteringramhead.hurt |
bear.population Population active on the server, per square km Default: 2 |
NEW Added 3/6/2025 beehive.updatehiveinterval How long before a Beehive will update Default: 120 |
NEW Added 3/6/2025 beehive.updatehivestatsinterval How long before the Beehive will perform temperature and inside checks Default: 120 |
NEW Added 3/6/2025 beehive.xpincreaseperhoneycomb How much the Nucleus's XP should be increased per honeycomb generated Default: 2 |
NEW Added 3/6/2025 beeswarmai.breakrange Range to leave current target alone (should be higher than search) Default: 15 |
NEW Added 3/6/2025 beeswarmai.disable Default: False |
NEW Added 3/6/2025 beeswarmai.flamesettingdistance How far away fire has to be to set the swarm on fire Default: 5.5 |
NEW Added 3/6/2025 beeswarmai.killwithouttargettime How long a swarm will stick around without a target Default: 180 |
NEW Added 3/6/2025 beeswarmai.searchrange Range to find new targets Default: 10 |
NEW Added 3/6/2025 beeswarmai.waterthreshold How much water a player needs to be in to be ignored Default: 0.6 |
NEW Added 3/6/2025 beeswarmmaster.amounttospawn How many child swarms a master swarm will create Default: 3 |
NEW Added 3/6/2025 beeswarmmaster.killwithoutatargettime How long a master swarm will stick around without a target Default: 300 |
NEW Added 3/6/2025 beeswarmmaster.secondsbetweenspawns How long before a master swarm will create a child Default: 60 |
bigwheelgame.spinfrequencyseconds Default: 45 |
bike.doplayerdamage Can bike crashes cause damage or death to the rider? Default: True |
bike.motorbikemonumentpopulation Motorbike population in monuments Default: 1 |
bike.outsidedecayminutes How long before a bike loses all its health while outside Default: 1440 |
bike.pedalmonumentpopulation Pedal bike population in monuments Default: 1 |
bike.pedalroadsidepopulation Pedal bike population active on the server (roadside spawns) Default: 1 |
bike.playerdamageragdolltheshold Amount of collision damage on a bike required to ragdoll the player Default: 10 |
blackjackmachine.maxbet Maximum initial bet per round Default: 500 |
boar.population Population active on the server, per square km Default: 5 |
boombox.backtracklength Default: 30 |
boombox.clearradiobyuser |
boombox.serverurllist A list of radio stations that are valid on this server. Format: NAME,URL,NAME,URL,etc |
bradley.enabled Default: True |
bradley.quickrespawn |
bradley.respawndelayminutes Default: 60 |
bradley.respawndelayvariance Default: 1 |
bradleyapc.deployattackdistancemax Default: 50 |
bradleyapc.deployhealthrangemax Default: 0.5 |
bradleyapc.deployhealthrangemin Default: 0.4 |
bradleyapc.deployinterval Default: 1 |
bradleyapc.deployondamagecheckinterval Default: 1 |
bradleyapc.killscientistsonbradleydeath Default: False |
bradleyapc.mountafternotattackedduration Default: 180 |
bradleyapc.mountafternotfiredduration Default: 60 |
bradleyapc.mountafternottargetsduration Default: 60 |
bradleyapc.scientistredeploymentmininterval Default: 60 |
bradleyapc.spawnroadbradley |
bradleyapc.spawnroadbradley |
bradleyapc.usesmokegrenades Default: True |
buildingblock.debugwallpaperhealth Default: False |
camerarenderer.completionframebudgetms Default: 5 |
camerarenderer.enabled Default: True |
camerarenderer.entitymaxage Default: 5 |
camerarenderer.entitymaxdistance Default: 100 |
camerarenderer.farplane Default: 250 |
camerarenderer.height Default: 90 |
camerarenderer.layermask Default: 1218656529 |
camerarenderer.maxraysperframe Default: 100000 |
camerarenderer.maxrendersperframe Default: 25 |
camerarenderer.nearplane Default: 0 |
camerarenderer.playermaxdistance Default: 30 |
camerarenderer.playernamemaxdistance Default: 10 |
camerarenderer.renderinterval Default: 0.05 |
camerarenderer.samplesperrender Default: 3000 |
camerarenderer.verticalfov Default: 65 |
camerarenderer.width Default: 160 |
camerarenderermanager.pool_stats |
cargoship.cargo_escape_boat_rhib Default: True |
cargoship.debug_cargo_status |
cargoship.debug_info |
cargoship.dock_time Default: 480 |
cargoship.docking_debug Default: False |
cargoship.egress_duration_minutes Default: 10 |
cargoship.event_duration_minutes Default: 50 |
cargoship.event_enabled Default: True |
cargoship.loot_round_spacing_minutes Default: 10 |
cargoship.loot_rounds Default: 3 |
cargoship.refresh_loot_on_dock Default: True |
cargoship.should_dock Default: True |
carvablepumpkin.texturerequestdistance Default: 100 |
cassette.clearcassettes |
cassette.clearcassettesbyuser |
cassette.maxcassettefilesizemb Default: 5 |
---| |
catapult.reload |
cctv.camera_disable_seconds Default: 300 |
chat.add |
chat.add2 |
chat.cardgamesay |
chat.clansay |
chat.clear |
chat.enabled Default: True |
chat.enabled Default: True |
chat.globalchat Default: True |
chat.hidechatintutorial Default: True |
chat.historysize Number of messages to keep in memory for chat history Default: 1000 |
chat.localchat Default: False |
chat.localchatrange Default: 100 |
chat.localsay |
chat.mute |
chat.muteglobal Default: False |
chat.mutelist | |
chat.say | |
chat.serverlog Default: True |
chat.tail |
chat.teamsay |
chat.unmute |
chat.unmuteall |
chicken.population Population active on the server, per square km Default: 3 |
cinematicentity.demohideobjects Hides cinematic entities during demos (Use group numbers in HideObjects) |
cinematicentity.hideobjects Hides cinematic entities by group (0= none, 1= lights, 2= BGs, 3= props, 4= misc) |
cinematicentity.removedemooverride Revert cinematic entities in demo playback to their original recorded state |
clan.editsrequireclantable If enabled then players will need to be near a Clan Table to make changes to clans Default: True |
clan.enabled Enables the clan system if set to true (must be set at boot, requires restart) Default: False | Prints info about a clan given its ID |
clan.maxmembercount Maximum number of members each clan can have (local backend only!) Default: 100 |
clan.scorefordestroyingbradley How much score players earn for destroying bradley Default: 10 |
clan.scorefordestroyingtoolcupboards How much score players earn for destroying other player's tool cupboards Default: 10 |
clan.scoreforhackingcrates How much score players earn for hacking crates Default: 5 |
clan.scoreforkilledbyplayerinotherclan How much score players earn for being killed by a player in another clan (this value should be negative) Default: -10 |
clan.scoreforkillingplayerinotherclan How much score players earn for killing a player in another clan Default: 10 |
clan.scoreforkillingunarmedplayer How much score players earn for killing unarmed players (this value should be negative) Default: -10 |
clan.scoreforlootingelitecrate How much score players earn for looting an elite crate Default: 10 |
clan.scoreforopeninghackedcrates How much score players earn for opening hacked crates Default: 5 |
clan.scoreforreachingcargoship How much score players earn for reaching cargo ship Default: 10 |
clan.scoreforrunningexcavator How much score players earn for running the excavator Default: 10 |
clan.toggleclan Toggles the clan GUI |
NEW Added 3/6/2025 client.allowdiscordprovisionalaccount Default: True |
client.bag_unclaim_duration How long to hold down the unclaim button on the map Default: 2 |
client.bagassignmode Default: 0 |
client.benchmark |
client.benchmark_demo |
client.blockplayvideo Default: False |
client.browser_ping_estimate Default: False |
client.browser_ping_estimate_button Default: True |
NEW Added 3/6/2025 client.browser_premium_tab Default: False |
client.building_guide_mode 0 = off, 1 = during building, 2 = always Default: 1 |
client.buildingskin Default: 0 |
client.buildingskinmetal Default: 0 |
client.buildingskinstone Default: 0 |
client.buildingskintoptier Default: 0 |
client.buildingskinwood Default: 0 |
client.cached_browser_enabled Default: True |
client.cached_browser_parallel Default: False |
client.cached_browser_print_tag_errors Default: False |
client.cached_browser_refresh_cooldown Default: 60 |
client.cambone |
client.camdist Default: 2 |
client.camfov Default: 70 |
client.camlerp Default: 1 |
client.camlerptilt Allow camera tilt when lerping rotation Default: False |
client.camlookspeed Default: 1 |
client.camoffset Default: (0.00, 1.00, 0.00) |
client.camoffset_relative Default: False |
client.camphysical Default: False |
client.camphysicalfocallength Default: 50 |
client.camphysicalsensor Default: 12 |
client.camphysicalsensortypes |
client.camspeed Default: 1 |
client.camzoomlerp Default: 1 |
client.camzoomspeed Default: 1 |
client.clampscreenshake Default: True |
client.connect |
client.connecthidden |
client.consoletoggle |
client.crosshair Default: True |
client.debugdragdrop Default: False |
client.debuglootsounds Default: False |
client.disconnect |
NEW Added 3/6/2025 client.enablefriendslogging Default: False |
client.errortoasts_debug Show some additional debug information when something failed (building, item movement...) Default: False |
client.errortoasts_in_chat Show the red error toasts in chat instead (like before) Default: False |
client.fps |
client.hascompletedtutorial Default: False |
client.hasdeclinedtutorial Default: False |
client.headbob Default: True |
client.headlerp Default: 1 |
client.headlerp_inertia Default: True |
NEW Added 3/6/2025 client.hidedmsinstreamermode Default: False |
client.hitcross Default: True |
client.hurtpunch Default: True |
client.io_arrow_important_only True = only show important ports, False = show every port Default: True |
client.io_arrow_mode 0 = off, 1 = on, 2 = deployed only, 3 = preview only Default: 1 |
NEW Added 3/6/2025 client.log_premium_status Default: False |
client.lookatradius The radius of the sphere trace used to determine what you're looking at Default: 0.2 |
client.map_marker_autoname false = no name, true = numbered name Default: True |
client.map_marker_color -1 = random, 0 = yellow, 1 = blue, 2 = green, 3 = red, 4 = purple, 5 = cyan Default: -1 |
client.maxdecryptqueuebytes Default: 52428800 |
client.maxdecryptqueuelength Default: 500 |
client.maxdecryptthreadwait Default: 100 |
client.maxmainthreadwait Default: 100 |
client.maxpacketspersecond_effect Default: 200 |
client.maxpacketspersecond_voice Default: 100 |
client.maxpeerspersecond Default: 100 |
client.maxreadqueuebytes Default: 52428800 |
client.maxreadqueuelength Default: 500 |
client.maxreadthreadwait Default: 100 |
client.maxreceivetime Default: 10 |
client.maxunack Max amount of unacknowledged messages before we assume we're congested Default: 4 |
client.maxwritequeuebytes Default: 52428800 |
client.maxwritequeuelength Default: 500 |
client.maxwritethreadwait Default: 100 |
NEW Added 3/6/2025 client.openuseroverlay |
client.orbitcamdist Default: 2 |
client.orbitcamlookspeed Default: 50 | |
client.ping_test |
client.playerseed |
client.playvideo |
client.prediction Default: True |
NEW Added 3/6/2025 client.premium_refresh_interval Default: 600 |
client.printdecryptqueue |
client.printeyes Print the current player eyes. |
client.printgrid Print the current player position. |
client.printhead Print the current player head. |
client.printinput Print the current player input. |
client.printpos Print the current player position. |
client.printposcenter Print the current player center position. |
client.printreadqueue |
client.printrot Print the current player rotation. |
client.printwritequeue |
client.pushtotalk When enabled voice-chat will be in push-to-talk mode instead of always on Default: True |
NEW Added 3/6/2025 client.qualify_premium_override Default: 0 |
NEW Added 3/6/2025 client.recheck_premium Default: False | |
client.reportbug |
client.reportplayer |
client.requesttutorialfromserver |
client.respawnloadout |
client.rockskin Default: 0 |
client.selectedshippingcontainerblockcolour What colour shipping container block to place Default: 0 |
client.setlocalplayervisible |
client.setunderwear |
client.showcaminfo Default: False |
NEW Added 3/6/2025 client.showgrowableui Default: True |
client.showmissionprovidersonmap Default: True |
client.showsashes Default: True |
client.showsleepingbagsonmap Default: True |
client.showvendingmachinesonmap Default: True |
client.shuffleplayerseed |
client.sortskinsrecentlyused Default: True | |
client.torchskin Default: 0 |
client.underwearskin Default: 0 |
client.unlock_all_skins Default: False |
client.updaterendererswhenoffscreen Update Skin Renderers when offscreen. Default: False |
clothlod.clothloddist distance cloth will simulate until Default: 20 |
codelock.lockoutcooldown Default: 900 |
codelock.maxfailedattempts Default: 8 |
commands.echo |
commands.echo |
commands.find |
commands.find |
console.clear |
console.copy |
console.erroroverlay Default: True | |
console.tail |
construct.frameminutes Default: 30 |
copypaste.cancel |
copypaste.copybox |
copypaste.copybox_sv |
copypaste.copybuilding |
copypaste.copybuilding_sv |
copypaste.copyradius |
copypaste.copyradius_sv |
copypaste.cut |
NEW Added 3/6/2025 copypaste.deletepaste <name> |
REMOVED Removed 3/6/2025 copypaste.deletepaste <name> |
NEW Added 3/6/2025 copypaste.download_paste |
REMOVED Removed 3/6/2025 copypaste.downloadpaste <url> <name> |
copypaste.drawselection Default: True |
copypaste.killbox |
copypaste.killbox_sv |
NEW Added 3/6/2025 copypaste.list_pastes |
NEW Added 3/6/2025 copypaste.list_pastes_sv |
NEW Added 3/6/2025 copypaste.listpastes |
REMOVED Removed 3/6/2025 copypaste.loadpaste <name> |
copypaste.paste |
copypaste.paste_building_only Default: False |
copypaste.paste_deployables Default: True |
copypaste.paste_foundations_only Default: False |
copypaste.paste_height_offset Default: 0 |
copypaste.paste_npcs Default: True |
copypaste.paste_players Default: False |
copypaste.paste_resources Default: True |
copypaste.paste_snap_terrain Default: True |
REMOVED Removed 3/6/2025 copypaste.paste_sv |
copypaste.paste_vehicles Default: True |
copypaste.pos1 |
copypaste.pos2 |
copypaste.printselection_cl |
copypaste.printselection_sv |
NEW Added 3/6/2025 copypaste.renamepaste |
REMOVED Removed 3/6/2025 copypaste.renamepaste <old> <new> |
REMOVED Removed 3/6/2025 copypaste.savepaste <name> |
copypaste.undopaste |
copypaste.undopaste_sv |
coverpointvolume.cover_point_sample_step_height cover_point_sample_step_height defines the height of the steps we do vertically for the cover point volume's cover point generation (smaller steps gives more accurate cover points, but at a higher processing cost). (default: 2.0) Default: 2 |
coverpointvolume.cover_point_sample_step_size cover_point_sample_step_size defines the size of the steps we do horizontally for the cover point volume's cover point generation (smaller steps gives more accurate cover points, but at a higher processing cost). (default: 6.0) Default: 6 |
craft.add |
craft.cancel |
craft.canceltask |
craft.fasttracktask |
craft.instant Default: False |
creative.allusers Apply creative mode to the entire server Default: False |
creative.bypassholdtoplaceduration Bypasses bypassHoldToPlaceDuration when deploying items Default: False |
creative.freebuild Build blocks for free Default: False |
creative.freeplacement Bypasses all placement checks Default: False |
creative.freerepair Bypass the 30s repair cooldown when repairing objects Default: False |
creative.togglecreativemodeuser |
creative.unlimitedio Bypasses limits on IO length and points Default: False |
cui.cui_test |
cui.cui_test_update |
cui.endtest |
culling.debug Debug occludees 0=off, 1=dynamic, 2=static, 4=grid, 7=all (green:visible, red:culled) Default: 0 |
culling.entitymaxdist Maximum distance to show any players in meters Default: 5000 |
culling.entityminculldist Entity of any kind will always be visible closer than this Default: 15 |
culling.entityminshadowculldist Minimum distance at which we start disabling shadows for entities Default: 5 |
culling.entityupdaterate How many times per second to check for visibility Default: 5 |
culling.env Enable environment culling Default: True |
culling.envmindist Minimum distance in meters to start culling environment Default: 10 |
culling.nodatavisible Default visibility for unknown data during reprojection; e.g. rotating camera fast. Default: False |
culling.safemode Culling safe mode; VERY SLOW and LEAKY... for debugging purposes only Default: False |
culling.toggle Enable/Disable occlusion culling Default: True |
data.export |
data.export |
ddraw.arrow arrow {duration} {color} {start} {end} {radius} {distanceFade} | box {duration} {color} {pos} {size} {rot} {distanceFade} {zTest} |
ddraw.capsule capsule {duration} {color} {pos} {rot} {radius} {height} {distanceFade} |
ddraw.clear |
ddraw.hideddrawduringdemo Default: False |
ddraw.line line {duration} {color} {start} {end} {distanceFade} {zTest} |
ddraw.max_ddraw_count max_draw_count {max value} (0 = unlimited) |
ddraw.sphere sphere {duration} {color} {start} {radius} {distanceFade} |
ddraw.text text {duration} {color} {pos} {text} {distanceFade} |
NEW Added 3/6/2025 ddraw.use_instancing Default: True |
NEW Added 3/6/2025 ddraw.use_instancing_for_text Default: False |
debug.allowduplicatecommandsinconsolehistory Inputting the same command multiple times in the console will only add one instance to history Default: False |
debug.ambientvolumes Whether or not to update ambient light from environment volumes Default: True |
debug.bench_io Spawn lots of IO entities to lag the server |
debug.breakheld Break the current held object |
debug.breakheld_almost Almost break the current held object |
debug.breakitem Break all the items in your inventory whose name match the passed string |
debug.breakshield Breaks the currently held shield |
debug.callbacks Default: False |
debug.callbacks Default: False |
debug.checkparentingtriggers Default: True |
debug.checktriggers Default: False |
debug.checktriggers Default: False |
NEW Added 3/6/2025 debug.clearplayermodifiers |
debug.cleartutorialforplayer If a player ends up stuck on a tutorial for any reason this will clear the island and reset the player (will also kill player) |
REMOVED Removed 2/1/2025 debug.cmbrainenabled Default: False |
debug.cmbrainforcedisable Default: False |
debug.completemission |
debug.completemissionstage |
debug.completetutorial |
debug.copydebugworldinfo |
debug.debugboatissue |
debug.debugcamera Enable debug camera mode |
debug.debugcamera_autoload Automatically load the debug camera state whenever toggling it Default: False |
debug.debugcamera_autosave Automatically save the debug camera state whenever toggling it Default: False |
debug.debugcamera_bonerotation Apply target bone rotation to debug camera Default: False |
debug.debugcamera_clear |
debug.debugcamera_cyclebone Default: False |
debug.debugcamera_dollyback Default: False |
debug.debugcamera_dollyforward Default: False |
debug.debugcamera_dollyspeed Default: 1 |
debug.debugcamera_fov Get/Set debug camera FOV |
debug.debugcamera_guide Get/Set debug camera guide |
debug.debugcamera_guide_aspectratio Get/Set debug camera guide aspect ratio |
debug.debugcamera_guide_color Get/Set debug camera guide color |
debug.debugcamera_list |
debug.debugcamera_load |
debug.debugcamera_lock Locks the debug camera in place Default: False |
debug.debugcamera_lookat Enable/Disable 'lookat' mode when using debugcamera_unfreeze Default: True |
debug.debugcamera_lower Default: False |
debug.debugcamera_offset Default: (0.00, 0.00, 0.00) |
debug.debugcamera_preserve Preserve the initial debug camera state through game restarts Default: False |
debug.debugcamera_raise Default: False |
debug.debugcamera_save |
debug.debugcamera_savetofile |
debug.debugcamera_shake Shake debug camera [amplitude, frequency, duration] |
debug.debugcamera_stopshake Stops all debug camera shaking |
debug.debugcamera_target Set debug camera target entity |
debug.debugcamera_targetbind Default: False |
debug.debugcamera_targetprint |
debug.debugcamera_unfreeze Unfreeze the player when in debug camera mode |
debug.debugcamera_zoomin Default: False |
debug.debugcamera_zoomout Default: False |
debug.debugdismounts Shows some debug info for dismount attempts. Default: False |
debug.debugdismounts Default: False |
debug.deleteentitiesbyshortname |
debug.deleteentitybyid |
debug.disablecondition Do not damage any items Default: False |
NEW Added 3/6/2025 debug.dofexposerforcedisable Default: False |
debug.drawcolliders Draw colliders Default: False |
debug.drink |
NEW Added 3/6/2025 debug.dropworlditems | |
debug.enable_player_movement |
debug.ent_find_radius Get a list of entity info in radius |
debug.fakespeechplayer Fakes mouth movement of the supplied player (like they're speaking) |
debug.flushgroup Takes you in and out of your current network group, causing you to delete and then download all entities in your PVS again |
NEW Added 3/6/2025 debug.foodspoilingdeducttimehours Deducts the given number of hours from all spoilable food on the server |
NEW Added 3/6/2025 debug.foodspoilinginventoryhours Applies the given number of hours to all food in the players inventory |
NEW Added 3/6/2025 debug.foodspoilingspoilall Spoils all food on the server |
NEW Added 3/6/2025 debug.forcechickensspawnegg |
debug.heal |
debug.hurt |
debug.invis Make admin invisibile |
debug.invokeperformancetracking Default: False |
debug.log Default: True |
debug.log Default: True |
debug.lookingat Print info about what the player is currently looking at |
debug.lookingat_debug Enable debug mode on the entity we're currently looking at |
debug.noclip Toggle admin no clipping |
debug.oninventorychanged Default: True |
debug.printcullingvolumeinfo |
debug.printdebugworldinfo |
debug.printgrouplayer |
debug.printgroups |
debug.printlayerthresholds |
debug.printmissionspeakinfo Default: False |
debug.puzzlereset reset all puzzles |
debug.quittutorial |
debug.refillvitals Refills the vital of a target player. eg. debug.refillsvital jim - leave blank to target yourself, can take multiple players at once |
debug.refillvitalsall Refills the vitals of all active players on the server |
debug.renderinfo |
debug.renderinfo |
debug.repair_inventory Repair all items in inventory |
debug.repeatcommand Repeats the last command entered into the console window |
debug.resetsleepingbagtimers |
debug.setdamage |
debug.setfood |
debug.sethealth |
debug.setradiation |
debug.setwater |
debug.showviewmodelaimhelper Default: False |
debug.showworldinfoinperformancereadout Default: False |
debug.skyreflection Whether or not to update the sky reflection probe Default: False |
debug.spawnparachutetester |
debug.stall |
debug.stall |
debug.starttutorial |
debug.testtutorialcinematic |
debug.tutorial_start_cooldown Default: 60 |
debug.tutorialstatus |
debug.viewmodelaimhelpwidth Default: 4 |
debug.waterfactorprintout Default: False |
decal.cache Default: False |
decal.capacity Default: 128 |
decal.clear |
decal.instancing Default: True |
decal.limit Default: 256 |
decay.bracket_0_blockcount Between 0 and this value are considered bracket 0 and will cost bracket_0_costfraction per upkeep period to maintain Default: 15 |
decay.bracket_0_costfraction blocks within bracket 0 will cost this fraction per upkeep period to maintain Default: 0.1 |
decay.bracket_1_blockcount Between bracket_0_blockcount and this value are considered bracket 1 and will cost bracket_1_costfraction per upkeep period to maintain Default: 50 |
decay.bracket_1_costfraction blocks within bracket 1 will cost this fraction per upkeep period to maintain Default: 0.15 |
decay.bracket_2_blockcount Between bracket_1_blockcount and this value are considered bracket 2 and will cost bracket_2_costfraction per upkeep period to maintain Default: 125 |
decay.bracket_2_costfraction blocks within bracket 2 will cost this fraction per upkeep period to maintain Default: 0.2 |
decay.bracket_3_blockcount Between bracket_2_blockcount and this value (and beyond) are considered bracket 3 and will cost bracket_3_costfraction per upkeep period to maintain Default: 200 |
decay.bracket_3_costfraction blocks within bracket 3 will cost this fraction per upkeep period to maintain Default: 0.333 |
decay.build_twig_cost_multiplier Can players upgrade building blocks to wood Default: 1 |
decay.debug Default: False |
decay.delay_metal How long should this building grade decay be delayed when not protected by upkeep, in hours Default: 0 |
decay.delay_override When set to a value above 0 everything will decay with this delay Default: 0 |
decay.delay_stone How long should this building grade decay be delayed when not protected by upkeep, in hours Default: 0 |
decay.delay_toptier How long should this building grade decay be delayed when not protected by upkeep, in hours Default: 0 |
decay.delay_twig How long should this building grade decay be delayed when not protected by upkeep, in hours Default: 0 |
decay.delay_wood How long should this building grade decay be delayed when not protected by upkeep, in hours Default: 0 |
decay.duration_metal How long should this building grade take to decay when not protected by upkeep, in hours Default: 8 |
decay.duration_override When set to a value above 0 everything will decay with this duration Default: 0 |
decay.duration_stone How long should this building grade take to decay when not protected by upkeep, in hours Default: 5 |
decay.duration_toptier How long should this building grade take to decay when not protected by upkeep, in hours Default: 12 |
decay.duration_twig How long should this building grade take to decay when not protected by upkeep, in hours Default: 1 |
decay.duration_wood How long should this building grade take to decay when not protected by upkeep, in hours Default: 3 |
decay.outside_test_range Maximum distance to test to see if a structure is outside, higher values are slower but accurate for huge buildings Default: 50 |
decay.scale Default: 1 |
decay.tick Default: 600 |
decay.upgrade_hqm_cost_multiplier Can players upgrade building blocks to hqm Default: 1 |
decay.upgrade_hqm_enabled Can players upgrade building blocks to hqm Default: True |
decay.upgrade_metal_cost_multiplier Can players upgrade building blocks to metal Default: 1 |
decay.upgrade_metal_enabled Can players upgrade building blocks to metal Default: True |
decay.upgrade_stone_cost_multiplier Can players upgrade building blocks to stone Default: 1 |
decay.upgrade_stone_enabled Can players upgrade building blocks to stone Default: True |
decay.upgrade_wood_cost_multiplier Can players upgrade building blocks to wood Default: 1 |
decay.upgrade_wood_enabled Can players upgrade building blocks to wood Default: True |
decay.upkeep Is upkeep enabled Default: True |
decay.upkeep_grief_protection How many minutes can the upkeep cost last after the cupboard was destroyed? default : 1440 (24 hours) Default: 1440 |
decay.upkeep_heal_scale Scale at which objects heal when upkeep conditions are met, default of 1 is same rate at which they decay Default: 1 |
decay.upkeep_inside_decay_scale Scale at which objects decay when they are inside, default of 0.1 Default: 0.1 |
decay.upkeep_period_minutes How many minutes does the upkeep cost last? default : 1440 (24 hours) Default: 1440 |
decor.quality Default: 100 |
demo.autodebugcam Automatically switch to the debug cam when loading a demo Default: False |
demo.benchmark_demo_upload |
demo.browser Opens demo browser |
demo.compressshotkeyframes Compresses demo shot keyframes, saving space at the cost of fidelity Default: False |
demo.delete_after_upload Should the full server demos be deleted after they are uploaded Default: True |
demo.full_server_demo Default: False |
demo.jump Jump to a set time within the demo |
demo.max_upload_concurrency Max parallel requests when uploading demos Default: 20 |
demo.pause Pauses a running demo (same as setting timescale to 0) | |
demo.playernames Prints all player names in the demo |
demo.readcfg Reads the cfg for the current playing demo. This is run when starting a demo |
demo.record |
demo.record |
demo.recorder Show/hide demo recorder UI |
demo.recordlist |
demo.recordlistmode Controls the behavior of recordlist, 0=whitelist, 1=blacklist Default: 0 |
demo.resume Resumes a running demo |
demo.server_demo_cleanup_interval How many minutes between cleaning up demos from the disk Default: 20 |
demo.server_demo_directory Directory to save full server demos Default: server_demos |
demo.server_demo_disk_space_gb How much disk space full server demos can take before we start to delete them Default: 30 |
demo.server_flush_seconds Default: 300 |
demo.showcommunityui Default: False |
demo.showlocalplayernametag Default: False |
demo.skip Skip forward or backwards by a set amount of seconds. Use negative numbers to go backwards. |
demo.splitmegabytes Default: 200 |
demo.splitseconds Default: 3600 |
demo.stop |
demo.stop |
demo.timescale Default: 1 |
demo.togglehud |
demo.togglenvg Toggles NVG screen effect (only works in demos) |
demo.ui Default: True |
demo.upload_bandwidth_limit_ratio Default: 1 |
demo.upload_demos Default: True |
demo.upload_url |
demo.zip_demos Should we be zipping the demos before we upload them Default: True |
demoshotplayback.blockdofplayback Default: False |
drone.altitudespeedoverride If greater than zero, overrides the drone's vertical movement speed Default: 0 |
drone.maxcontrolrange How far drones can be flown away from the controlling computer station Default: 600 |
drone.movementspeedoverride If greater than zero, overrides the drone's planar movement speed Default: 0 |
drone.windlerpspeed Default: 0.1 |
drone.windpositiondivisor Default: 100 |
drone.windpositionscale Default: 1 |
drone.windrotationmultiplier Default: 45 |
drone.windtimedivisor Default: 10 |
droppeditem.underwater_drag_budget_ms How many milliseconds to spend on updating underwater drag levels Default: 0.1 |
effects.antialiasing Default: 3 | Default: True |
effects.bloom Default: True |
effects.clearallgibs |
effects.creationeffects Default: True |
effects.currentgibcount |
effects.footsteps Default: True |
effects.hurtoverlay Default: True |
effects.hurtoverleyapplylighting Default: True |
effects.lensdirt Default: True |
effects.maxgibdist Default: 150 |
effects.maxgiblife Default: 10 |
effects.maxgibs Default: 1000 |
effects.mingiblife Default: 5 |
effects.motionblur Default: True |
effects.otherplayerslightflares Default: True |
effects.shafts Default: True |
effects.sharpen Default: True |
effects.showoutlines Show outlines of objects when applicable i.e. dropped items Default: True |
effects.vignet Default: True |
effectscalewithcameradistance.on Default: True |
electricbattery.battery 'charge' (default to full), 'deplete' |
electricbattery.batteryid |
entity.debug_lookat |
entity.debug_toggle |
entity.deleteby Destroy all entities created by provided users (separate users by space) |
entity.deletebytextblock Destroy all entities created by users in the provided text block (can use with copied results from ent auth) |
entity.downloadsign Downloads the sign currently being looked at to disk with the supplied filename |
entity.find_entity |
entity.find_entity |
entity.find_group |
entity.find_group |
entity.find_id |
entity.find_id |
entity.find_parent |
entity.find_parent |
entity.find_radius |
entity.find_radius |
entity.find_self |
entity.find_self |
entity.find_status |
entity.find_status |
entity.nudge |
entity.set_battery_charge |
entity.spawn |
entity.spawn |
entity.spawnat spawnat <entityName> <worldPos> [worldRotationAngles] |
entity.spawngrid |
entity.spawnhere spawnhere <entityName> [distance] [worldRotationAngles] |
entity.spawnitem |
entity.spawnitem |
entity.spawnlootfrom |
entity.spawnview Spawns the entity at the position and orientation of the camera - spawnview <entityName> [distance] [worldRotationAngles] |
entity.uploadsign Sets a sign to display the given PNG image |
env.addtime |
env.cloudmovement Default: True |
env.cloudrotation Default: 0 | Default: 20 |
env.month Default: 5 |
env.nightlight_brightness Default: 0.0175 |
env.nightlight_debugcamera_enabled Toggles nightlight screen effect when using debug camera Default: False |
env.nightlight_distance Default: 7 |
env.nightlight_enabled Default: True |
env.nightlight_fadefraction Default: 0.65 |
env.oceanlevel Default: 0 |
env.progresstime Default: True |
env.redmoon Default: False |
env.skyrotation Default: 0 |
env.time Default: 9 |
env.year Default: 2024 |
espcanvas.colourcodeteams Default: False |
espcanvas.disableocclusionchecks Default: False |
REMOVED Removed 3/6/2025 espcanvas.displaydistancemultiplier Multiply the maximum distance for displaying players nameplates Default: 1 |
espcanvas.maxnameplates Max amount of nameplates to show at once Default: 32 |
espcanvas.overridemaxdisplaydistance Default: 0 |
espcanvas.showhealth Default: False |
espcanvas.userandomteamcolours Default: False |
espplayerinfo.blueteamid Default: 3000 |
espplayerinfo.framebudgetms Default: 0.25 |
espplayerinfo.grayteamid Default: 7000 |
espplayerinfo.greenteamid Default: 1000 |
espplayerinfo.lavenderteamid Default: 9000 |
espplayerinfo.mintteamid Default: 10000 |
espplayerinfo.orangeteamid Default: 6000 |
espplayerinfo.pinkteamid Default: 8000 |
espplayerinfo.purpleteamid Default: 5000 |
espplayerinfo.redteamid Default: 2000 |
espplayerinfo.yellowteamid Default: 4000 |
events.print_server_events |
events.set_event_enabled |
events.set_event_max_delay |
events.set_event_min_delay |
eventschedule.killallevents |
eventschedule.triggerevent |
eventschedulewipeoffset.event_hours_before_wipe Default: 24 |
excavatorsignalcomputer.chargeneededforsupplies Default: 600 |
NEW Added 3/6/2025 farmableanimal.simhours Simulates the provided number of hours on all farm animals within 10m |
file.debug Default: False |
file.time Default: False |
fps.graph Default: 0 |
fps.limit Default: 240 |
fps.limit Default: 240 |
fps.limitinbackground Default: False |
fps.limitinmenu Default: False |
frankensteinbrain.movetowardsrate Default: 1 |
frankensteinpet.decayminutes How long before a Frankenstein Pet dies un controlled and not asleep on table Default: 180 |
fsmcomponent.framebudgetms How many milliseconds to spend on the AIs FSMs per frame Default: 0.5 |
fsmcomponent.maxrefreshintervalseconds Default: 0.5 |
fsmcomponent.minrefreshintervalseconds Default: 0 |
gamemode.set |
gamemode.setteam |
gamemodesoftcore.reclaim_fraction_belt Default: 0.5 |
gamemodesoftcore.reclaim_fraction_main Default: 0.5 |
gamemodesoftcore.reclaim_fraction_wear Default: 0 |
gametip.hidegametip |
gametip.listgametips |
gametip.server_event_tips Whether server events will show on the client as toast notifications Default: True |
gametip.showgametip |
gametip.showgametips Default: True |
gametip.showtoast Will show a game tip on the player screen <style> <text> |
gametip.showtoast_translated Will show a translated game tip on the player screen <style> <key> <english> <overlay> <args> |
GC |
gc.alloc |
gc.alloc |
gc.buffer Default: 256 |
gc.buffer_enabled Default: True |
gc.collect |
gc.collect |
gc.debuglevel Default: 1 |
gc.enabled Default: False |
gc.enabled Default: True |
gc.incremental_enabled Default: True |
gc.incremental_enabled Default: True |
gc.incremental_milliseconds Default: 3 |
gc.incremental_milliseconds Default: 3 |
gc.unload |
gc.unload |
gesturecollection.showadmincinematicgesturesinbindings Default: False |
gesturecollection.slot0ring0bind Default: clap |
gesturecollection.slot0ring1bind |
gesturecollection.slot10ring0bind Default: raiseroof |
gesturecollection.slot10ring1bind |
gesturecollection.slot11ring0bind Default: cabbagepatch |
gesturecollection.slot11ring1bind |
gesturecollection.slot12ring0bind Default: twist |
gesturecollection.slot12ring1bind |
gesturecollection.slot1ring0bind Default: surrender |
gesturecollection.slot1ring1bind |
gesturecollection.slot2ring0bind Default: hurry |
gesturecollection.slot2ring1bind |
gesturecollection.slot3ring0bind Default: ok |
gesturecollection.slot3ring1bind |
gesturecollection.slot4ring0bind Default: point |
gesturecollection.slot4ring1bind |
gesturecollection.slot5ring0bind Default: shrug |
gesturecollection.slot5ring1bind |
gesturecollection.slot6ring0bind Default: thumbsdown |
gesturecollection.slot6ring1bind |
gesturecollection.slot7ring0bind Default: thumbsup |
gesturecollection.slot7ring1bind |
gesturecollection.slot8ring0bind Default: victory |
gesturecollection.slot8ring1bind |
gesturecollection.slot9ring0bind Default: wave |
gesturecollection.slot9ring1bind |
global.add_wallpaper_radius add_wallpaper_radius 'wallpaper' 'radius' |
global.adminambientmultiplier if >= 0 the ambient light intensity will be forced to this Default: -1 |
global.adminclouds if >= 0 the clouds amount will be forced to this value Default: -1 |
global.adminfog if >= 0 the fog amount will be forced to this value Default: -1 |
global.adminlight if >= 0 the sky light intensity will be forced to this Default: -1 |
global.adminrain if >= 0 the rain amount will be forced to this value Default: -1 |
global.adminreflectionmultiplier if >= 0 the reflection probe intensity will be forced to this Default: -1 |
global.admintime if >= 0 the time of day (hour) will be forced to this Default: -1 |
global.adminui_deleteugccontent |
global.adminui_fullrefresh |
global.adminui_receivecommands |
global.adminui_receiveplayerlist |
global.adminui_receiveserverinfo |
global.adminui_receiveugclist |
global.adminui_requestfireworkpattern |
global.adminui_requestplayerlist |
global.adminui_requestserverconvars |
global.adminui_requestserverinfo |
global.adminui_requestugccontent |
global.adminui_requestugclist |
global.adminwind if >= 0 the wind amount will be forced to this value Default: -1 |
global.allowadminui Controls whether the in-game admin UI is displayed to admins Default: True |
global.aquaticvehicledismounttime How long you need to hold Jump for in order to dismount a water based vehicle Default: 0 |
global.asyncloadingpreset Experimental faster loading, requires game restart (0 = off, 1 = partial, 2 = full) Default: 0 |
global.asyncwarmup Default: False |
global.asyncwarmup Default: False |
global.authcount Returns all entities that the provided player is authed to (TC's, locks, etc), supports --json |
global.authradius |
global.authradius_multi |
global.authradius_radius |
global.ban ban <player> <reason> [optional duration] |
global.banid banid <steamid> <username> <reason> [optional duration] |
global.banlist List of banned users (sourceds compat) |
global.banlistex List of banned users - shows reasons and usernames |
global.bans List of banned users |
global.blockemoji Blocks any emoji from appearing Default: False |
global.blockemojianimations Disables any emoji animations Default: False |
global.blockserveremoji Blocks emoji provided by servers from appearing Default: False |
global.breakclothing |
global.breakitem |
global.buildinfo Get information about this build |
global.carstats Get information about all the cars in the world |
global.censornudity Default: 1 |
global.censorrecordings Default: False |
global.censorsigns Default: False |
global.change_wallpaper_radius change_wallpaper_radius 'wallpaper' 'radius' |
global.cinematicgingerbreadcorpses Default: False |
global.cinematicgingerbreadcorpses When enabled a player wearing a gingerbread suit will gib like the gingerbread NPC's Default: False |
global.clear_wallpaper_radius clear_wallpaper_radius 'radius' |
global.clearallsprays |
global.clearallspraysbyplayer |
global.cleardroppeditems |
global.clearspraysatpositioninradius |
global.clearspraysinradius |
global.clearugcbyplayer |
global.clearugcentitiesinrange |
global.clearugcentity |
global.clearvendingmachinenamescontaining |
global.clientperf |
global.clientperf_frametime |
global.colliders |
global.colliders |
global.consolescale Font size for the console window, 10-30 (default is 12) Default: 12 |
global.ddraw_netupdate Default: False |
global.deauthradius |
global.deauthradius_multi |
global.deauthradius_radius |
global.debuglanguage 0 - Disabled, 1 - Display localization key, 2 - Display randomly generated strings Default: 0 |
global.developer Default: 0 |
global.developer Default: 0 |
global.disable_clouds Default: False |
global.disablebagdropping Disables the backpacks that appear after a corpse times out Default: False |
global.dump |
global.dump |
global.ent Sends a command to the server followed by the ID of the entity we're looking at |
global.entcount Returns all entities that the provided player has placed, supports --json |
global.entid |
global.error |
global.error |
global.exec |
global.flyingvehicledismounttime How long you need to hold Jump for in order to dismount a flying vehicle Default: 0 |
global.forceunloadbundles Default: True |
global.forceunloadbundles Default: True | | |
global.getugcinfo |
global.god If you're an admin this will enable god mode Default: False |
global.groundvehicledismounttime How long you need to hold Jump for in order to dismount a car/snowmobile Default: 0 |
global.hideinteracttextwhileads Hide interact text when aiming down sights Default: False |
global.hideteamleadermapmarkers Hides all team leader map markers on the compass and map Default: False |
global.horsedismounttime How long you need to hold Jump for in order to dismount a horse Default: 0 |
global.hudcomponent |
global.injure |
global.injureplayer |
global.job_system_threads Default: 15 |
global.job_system_threads Default: 15 |
global.kick |
global.kickall |
global.kill |
global.killallplayers |
NEW Added 3/6/2025 global.killallplayersradius Kill all players within the given radius |
global.killplayer |
NEW Added 3/6/2025 global.killplayerinview Kill the player you're looking at |
global.language Default: en |
global.limitflashing Limits the flashing frequency of music driven lights Default: False |
global.listid List of banned users, by ID (sourceds compat) |
global.maxspraysperplayer If a player sprays more than this, the oldest spray will be destroyed. 0 will disable Default: 40 |
global.maxthreads Default: 8 |
global.maxthreads Default: 8 |
global.moderatorid |
global.mute |
global.mutelist Print a list of currently muted players |
global.objects |
global.objects |
global.openinexplorer |
global.overrideoceanenvironmentlerp Controls how the ocean environment variables, -1=no override, 0=bottom of the ocean, 1=surface conditions Default: -1 |
global.ownerid |
global.perf Default: 0 |
global.perf Default: 0 |
global.playerlist Get a list of players |
global.players Print out currently connected clients etc |
global.preloadconcurrency Default: 1 |
global.preloadconcurrency Default: 1 |
global.printallscenesinbuild |
global.printallscenesinbuild |
global.processmidiinput Default: True |
global.queue |
global.queue |
global.quit |
global.quit |
global.readcfg |
global.recover |
global.recoverplayer |
global.removemoderator |
global.removeowner |
global.removeskipqueue Removes skip queue permission from a SteamID | |
global.respawn |
global.respawn_sleepingbag |
global.respawn_sleepingbag_remove |
global.restart |
global.richpresence Default: True |
global.say Sends a message in chat |
global.serverinfo Get a list of information about the server |
global.setinfo |
NEW Added 3/6/2025 global.show_hidden_items Default: False |
global.showblood Default: True |
global.showdeathmarkeroncompass Default: True |
global.showemojierrors Displays any emoji rendering errors in the console Default: False |
global.showitemcountsonpickup Show how many of a given item is in the inventory when picking up a stackable item Default: True |
global.showitempickupnotices Default: True |
global.signundobuffer How many changes to save for undo/redo purposes Default: 10 |
global.skick |
global.skin_looking <skin> |
global.skin_radius skin_radius 'skin' 'radius' |
global.skipassetwarmup_crashes WARNING: This causes random crashes! Default: False |
global.skipassetwarmup_crashes Default: False |
global.skipqueue |
global.skipqueueid Adds skip queue permissions to a SteamID |
global.sleep |
global.sleepingusers Show user info for players on server. |
global.sleepingusersinrange Show user info for sleeping players on server in range of the player. |
global.sleeptarget |
global.spectate |
global.spectateid |
global.sprayduration Base time (in seconds) that sprays last Default: 10800 |
global.sprayoutofauthmultiplier Multiplier applied to SprayDuration if a spray isn't in the sprayers auth (cannot go above 1f) Default: 0.5 |
global.stats Print out stats of currently connected clients |
global.status Print out currently connected clients |
global.status_cl |
global.status_sv |
global.steamconnectiontimeout Default: 10000 |
global.steamconnectiontimeout Default: 10000 |
global.steamnagleflush Default: False |
global.steamnagleflush Default: False |
global.steamnagletime Default: 5000 |
global.steamnagletime Nagle time, in microseconds Default: 5000 |
global.steamnetdebug Turns on varying levels of debug output for the Steam Networking. This will affect performance. (0 = off, 1 = bug, 2 = error, 3 = important, 4 = warning, 5 = message, 6 = verbose, 7 = debug, 8 = everything) Default: 0 |
global.steamnetdebug Turns on varying levels of debug output for the Steam Networking. This will affect performance. (0 = off, 1 = bug, 2 = error, 3 = important, 4 = warning, 5 = message, 6 = verbose, 7 = debug, 8 = everything) Default: 0 |
global.steamnetdebug_ackrtt Default: 4 |
global.steamnetdebug_ackrtt Default: 4 |
global.steamnetdebug_message Default: 4 |
global.steamnetdebug_message Default: 4 |
global.steamnetdebug_p2prendezvous Default: 4 |
global.steamnetdebug_p2prendezvous Default: 4 |
global.steamnetdebug_packetdecode Default: 4 |
global.steamnetdebug_packetdecode Default: 4 |
global.steamnetdebug_packetgaps Default: 4 |
global.steamnetdebug_packetgaps Default: 4 |
global.steamnetdebug_sdrrelaypings Default: 4 |
global.steamnetdebug_sdrrelaypings Default: 4 |
global.steamrelayinit |
global.steamrelayinit |
global.steamsendbuffer Default: 524288 |
global.steamsendbuffer Upper limit of buffered pending bytes to be sent Default: 524288 |
global.steamsendratemax Default: 262144 |
global.steamsendratemax Maxminum send rate clamp, 0 is no limit Default: 262144 |
global.steamsendratemin Default: 262144 |
global.steamsendratemin Minimum send rate clamp, 0 is no limit Default: 262144 |
global.steamstatus |
global.steamstatus |
global.streamermode Default: False |
global.subscriptions |
global.subscriptions |
global.sysinfo |
global.sysinfo |
global.sysuid |
global.sysuid |
global.teaminfo |
global.teleport |
global.teleport2autheditem |
global.teleport2death |
global.teleport2grid |
global.teleport2marker |
global.teleport2me |
global.teleport2owneditem |
global.teleportany |
global.teleporteveryone2me |
global.teleportlos |
global.teleportnonsleepers2me |
global.teleportpos |
global.teleportsleepers2me |
global.teleporttargetteam2me |
global.teleportteam2me |
global.textures |
global.textures |
global.togglespectateteaminfo |
global.unban |
global.underwater_cinematic Default: False |
global.underwater_effect Default: True |
global.underwater_scatter Default: 1 |
global.unmute |
global.updatemanifest Immediately update the manifest |
global.updatemanifest Immediately update the manifest |
global.updatenetworkpositionwithdebugcamerawhilespectating Default: False |
global.upgrade_looking <grade> |
global.upgrade_radius upgrade_radius 'grade' 'radius' |
global.users Show user info for players on server. |
global.usersinrange Show user info for players on server in range of the player. |
global.usersinrangeofplayer Show user info for players on server in range of the supplied player (eg. Jim 50) |
global.usesingleitempickupnotice use a single item pickup notice instead of spawning multiple for each resource picked up Default: True |
global.version |
global.version |
global.warmupconcurrency Default: 1 |
global.warmupconcurrency Default: 1 |
global.woundedfreecam If true, can use F3 camera changes while in wounded state Default: False |
global.writecfg |
---| Default: 1 |
graphics.aggressiveshadowlod Default: True |
graphics.aggressiveshadowlodwearable Default: True |
graphics.branding Default: True | Default: True |
graphics.collapserenderers Collapse objects on renderer LODs for memory savings. Game needs to be restarted after changing. Default: True |
graphics.compass Default: 1 |
graphics.contactshadows Default: False |
graphics.disableanimatorlod Disable all animator LODs. This will seriously degrade performance! Default: False |
graphics.disablelightlod Disable all light LODs. This will seriously degrade performance! Default: False |
graphics.disableparticlelod Disable all particle LODs. This will seriously degrade performance! Default: False |
graphics.dlaa Default: False |
graphics.dlss Default: -1 |
graphics.dof Default: False |
graphics.dof_aper Default: 12 |
graphics.dof_barrel Default: 0 |
graphics.dof_blur Default: 1 |
graphics.dof_debug Default: False |
graphics.dof_focus_dist distance from camera to focus on Default: 10 |
graphics.dof_focus_lookingat |
graphics.dof_focus_target |
graphics.dof_focus_time Default: 0.2 |
graphics.dof_kernel_count Goes from 0 - 3, higher = more dof samples but slower perf Default: 0 |
graphics.dof_mode 0 = auto 1 = manual 2 = dynamic based on target Default: 0 |
graphics.dof_nudge |
graphics.dof_squeeze Default: 0 |
graphics.drawdistance Default: 2500 |
graphics.fov Default: 75 |
graphics.grassshadows Default: False |
graphics.hlod Default: True |
graphics.hud Default: True |
graphics.impostorshadows Default: False |
graphics.itemskins Default: True |
graphics.itemskintimeout Default: 60 |
graphics.itemskinunload Default: True |
REMOVED Removed 1/3/2025 graphics.jitterspread Default: 1 |
graphics.lodbias Global multiplier for the LOD's switching distance. A larger value leads to a longer view distance before a lower resolution LOD is picked. Default: 1 |
graphics.maxqueuedframes Maximum number of frames queued up by graphics driver. Default: -1 |
graphics.parallax Default: 0 |
graphics.printlodqueues |
REMOVED Removed 3/6/2025 graphics.quality The currently selected quality level Default: 6 |
graphics.reflexintervalus Minimum interval in microseconds for frame synchronization. 0 = no frame rate limit Default: 0 |
graphics.reflexlatencymarker Default: False |
graphics.reflexmode Default: 0 |
graphics.renderscale Default: 1 |
graphics.reportparticlesystems |
graphics.reportshadowcasters |
graphics.resetmipmapbias |
graphics.resolution The current screen resolution index. Default: 0 |
graphics.resolutions Display a list of available resolutions. |
graphics.screenmode The current screen mode. Default: 0 |
graphics.setmipmapbias |
graphics.shaderlod Default: 2147483647 |
REMOVED Removed 3/6/2025 graphics.shadowcascades Default: 2 |
REMOVED Removed 3/6/2025 graphics.shadowdistance Default: 1000 |
graphics.shadowlights Default: 1 |
graphics.shadowmode Default: 2 |
graphics.shadowquality Default: 1 |
graphics.showtexeldensity Texture density visualization tool: 0=disabled, 1=256, 2=512, 3=1024 texel/meter Default: 0 |
graphics.uiscale Default: 1 |
graphics.usemarkerstooptimize Default: False |
graphics.viewmodelcamera Default: True |
graphics.viewmodeldepth Default: True |
graphics.vm_fov_scale Whether to scale vm models with fov Default: True |
graphics.vm_horizontal_flip FLips viewmodels horizontally (for left handed players) Default: False |
graphics.vsync Represents the number of vertical syncs that should pass between each frame. An integer in the range of 0-4. Default: 0 |
graphics.waves Disable larger ocean waves to test performance. Client/Rendering-side only. Default: True |
NEW Added 3/6/2025 graphicssettings.anisotropicfiltering Global anisotropic filtering mode. 0-2. Disabled, enabled per-texture, force-enabled for all textures. Default: 1 |
NEW Added 3/6/2025 graphicssettings.billboardsfacecameraposition If enabled, billboards will face towards camera position rather than camera orientation. Default: True |
NEW Added 3/6/2025 graphicssettings.enablelodcrossfade Enables or disables LOD Cross Fade. Default: True |
NEW Added 3/6/2025 graphicssettings.globaltexturemipmaplimit Indicates how many of the highest-resolution mips of each texture Unity does not upload at the given quality level. Default: 0 |
NEW Added 3/6/2025 graphicssettings.particleraycastbudget Budget for how many ray casts can be performed per frame for approximate collision testing. Default: 1024 |
NEW Added 3/6/2025 graphicssettings.pixellightcount The maximum number of pixel lights that should affect any object. Default: 8 |
NEW Added 3/6/2025 graphicssettings.shadowcascades Number of cascades to use for directional light shadows. 1 = None, 2 = Two, 4 = Four Default: 2 |
NEW Added 3/6/2025 graphicssettings.shadowdistancepercent Shadow drawing distance percentage Default: 100 |
NEW Added 3/6/2025 graphicssettings.shadowmaskmode The rendering mode of Shadowmask. 0 = Shadowmask 1 = Distance Shadowmask Default: 1 |
NEW Added 3/6/2025 graphicssettings.shadowresolution The default resolution of shadow maps. 0 = Low, 1 = Medium, 2 = High, 3 = Very High Default: 3 |
NEW Added 3/6/2025 graphicssettings.softparticles Should soft blending be used for particles? Default: True |
NEW Added 3/6/2025 graphicssettings.streamingmipmapsmemorybudget The total amount of memory (in megabytes) to be used by streaming and non-streaming textures. Default: 64 |
grass.displacement Default: True |
grass.distance Default: 100 |
grass.maxthreads Default: 8 |
grass.print_foliage |
grass.quality Default: 100 |
grass.refresh_budget Default: 0.3 |
growableentity.framebudgetms Default: 0.25 |
growableentity.growall |
guntrap.gun_trap_budget_ms How many milliseconds to spend on target scanning per frame Default: 0.5 |
hackablelockedcrate.decayseconds How many seconds until the crate is destroyed without any hack attempts Default: 7200 |
hackablelockedcrate.requiredhackseconds How many seconds for the crate to unlock Default: 900 |
halloween.enabled Default: False |
halloween.murdererpopulation Population active on the server, per square km Default: 0 |
halloween.scarecrow_beancan_vs_player_dmg_modifier Modified damage from beancan explosion vs players (Default: 0.1). Default: 0.1 |
halloween.scarecrow_body_dmg_modifier Modifier to how much damage scarecrows take to the body. (Default: 0.25) Default: 0.25 |
halloween.scarecrow_chase_stopping_distance Stopping distance for destinations set while chasing a target (Default: 0.5) Default: 0.5 |
halloween.scarecrow_throw_beancan_global_delay The delay globally on a server between each time a scarecrow throws a beancan (Default: 8 seconds). Default: 8 |
halloween.scarecrowpopulation Population active on the server, per square km Default: 0 |
halloween.scarecrows_throw_beancans Scarecrows can throw beancans (Default: true). Default: True |
halloweendungeon.lifetime How long each active dungeon should last before dying Default: 600 |
halloweendungeon.population Population active on the server Default: 0 |
handcuffs.maxconditionrepairlossonpush Default: 0.4 |
handcuffs.restrainedpushdamage Default: 5 |
handcuffs.togglecuffslocked |
harmony.load |
harmony.unload |
heli.bulletaccuracy Default: 2 |
heli.bulletdamagescale Default: 1 | |
heli.calltome |
heli.death |
heli.drop |
heli.flee |
heli.guns Default: 1 |
heli.lifetimeminutes Default: 30 |
heli.move |
heli.orbit |
heli.orbitstrafe |
heli.patrol |
heli.strafe |
heli.testpuzzle |
hero.action (Out Now) |
hero.ident Default: instrument001 | |
hero.title (Instrument DLC) |
hero.url Default: appid:1174370 | Default: |
hexagongridgenerator.generategrid <gridSize> 5 <tileSpacing> 1.35 |
---| |
hierarchy.del | |
hitnotify.headshot Default: True |
hitnotify.notification_level Default: 1 |
REMOVED Removed 2/1/2025 horse.population Population active on the server, per square km Default: 0 |
hotairballoon.minimumaltitudeterrain Default: 25 |
hotairballoon.outsidedecayminutes How long before a HAB loses all its health while outside Default: 180 |
hotairballoon.population Population active on the server Default: 1 |
hotairballoon.serviceceiling Default: 175 |
input.ads_sensitivity Default: 1 |
input.alwayssprint Default: False |
input.autocrouch Default: False |
input.bind bind <key> <commands> - runs commands whenever the given key (or key combo) is pressed, prefix command lists with ~ to cycle instead |
input.clearbinds |
input.flipy Default: False |
input.holdtime Default: 0.2 |
input.map_mode Default: 0 |
input.printbinds |
input.radial_menu_mode Default: 0 |
input.sensitivity Default: 1 |
input.toggleads Default: False |
input.toggleduck Default: False |
input.vehicle_flipy Default: False |
input.vehicle_sensitivity Default: 1 |
instruments.clearautoplayoverride Clears the overriden autoplay recording of the current instrument |
instruments.clearmidibinds Clears any binds for the current instrument |
instruments.debugmidi Prints incoming midi notes to the console while using an instrument Default: False |
instruments.debugnotes Prints notes being played Default: False |
instruments.midiinfo Prints out all the notes that can accept midi inputs on the current instrument |
instruments.overrideautoplay Override the autoplay recording of the current instrument |
instruments.playnote Plays a note on the current instrument. Eg. playnote c#7, playnote d, playnote f# |
instruments.playrecording Plays a saved Instrument recording. Arg0 is filename (no extension) |
instruments.printmidibinds Prints all current rebinds for the current instrument |
instruments.printrecording Prints a debug readout of a recording |
instruments.printrecordingpath Prints the path of the autoplay recording for this instrument |
instruments.processsustainpedal Enables support for sustain pedals Default: True |
instruments.rebindmidi Rebinds signal A into signal B. eg. rebindMidi 67 48 |
instruments.startrecording Starts an instrument recording. Must supply a filename (no extension) |
instruments.stoprecording Stops the current instrument recording |
NEW Added 3/6/2025 inventory.addownership Add ownership to item |
inventory.clearinventory Clears the inventory of a target player. eg. inventory.clearInventory jim. Can take container names as arguments: --belt --wear --backpack |
NEW Added 3/6/2025 inventory.convertownership Reduce ownership to item to allow new ownership to be added |
inventory.copyto Copies the players inventory to the player in front of them |
inventory.defs |
inventory.defs |
inventory.deployloadout Deploys the given loadout to a target player. eg. inventory.deployLoadout testloadout jim |
inventory.deployloadoutinrange Deploys a loadout to players in a radius eg. inventory.deployLoadoutInRange testloadout 30 |
inventory.disableattirelimitations Disables all attire limitations, so NPC clothing and invalid overlaps can be equipped Default: False |
inventory.disablewearablereplaceoverlay Disables the red overlay shown on the client when equipping a wearable that replaces another. Default: False |
inventory.endloot |
inventory.equipslot |
inventory.equipslottarget |
inventory.examineheld |
inventory.give {item} {amount} {condition} {skin} {container} {slot} |
inventory.giveall |
inventory.givearm {itemid} {amount} |
inventory.givebp |
inventory.giveid {itemid} {amount} |
inventory.giveto {item} {player} {amount} {skin} |
inventory.lighttoggle |
inventory.lighttoggle |
inventory.listcraftcounts |
inventory.listloadouts Prints all saved inventory loadouts |
inventory.pipette Selects the item you're looking at, gives it to you if you don't have it in your inventory |
inventory.pipetteid |
inventory.quickcraftdelay Default: 0.75 |
NEW Added 3/6/2025 inventory.reduceownership Reduce ownership to item to allow new ownership to be added |
inventory.reloaddefs |
inventory.reloaddefs |
inventory.resetbp |
inventory.resetcraftcounts |
inventory.saveloadout Saves the current equipped loadout of the calling player. eg. inventory.saveLoadout loaduoutname |
inventory.selectitem Selects the item you're looking at, if in your inventory |
NEW Added 3/6/2025 inventory.show_item_ownership Default: True |
NEW Added 3/6/2025 inventory.stackable_item_ownership Default: False |
inventory.toggle |
inventory.togglecrafting |
inventory.unlockall |
ioentity.backtracking Default: 8 |
ioentity.debugbudget Print out what is taking so long in the IO frame budget Default: False |
ioentity.debugbudgetthreshold Ignore frames with a lower ms than this while debugBudget is active Default: 2 |
ioentity.debugqueue |
ioentity.framebudgetelectrichighpriorityms Default: 1 |
ioentity.framebudgetelectriclowpriorityms Default: 0.5 |
ioentity.framebudgetfluidms Default: 0.25 |
ioentity.framebudgetgenericms Default: 1 |
ioentity.framebudgetindustrialms Default: 0.25 |
ioentity.framebudgetkineticms Default: 1 |
ioentity.infiniteiopower All player placed electrical entities will receive full power without needing to be plugged into anything Default: False |
ioentity.responsetime Default: 0.1 |
itemmanager.enablepooling Default: True |
junkpilewater.framebudgetms Default: 0.25 |
keyboardmidi.midikeymap The map file to use to convert keyboard keys to midi notes (located in StreamingAssets/keymidi) Default: qwerty-uk.json |
keyboardmidi.reload reload the mappings, useful when editing in the background |
laserbeam.debugcollisions Default: False |
laserbeam.framebudgetms Default: 0.25 |
laserbeam.printqueue |
layer.culling |
layer.hide | |
layer.toggle |
legacyshelter.max_shelters Default: 1 |
legs.enablelegs If true we'll draw the player's body in first person Default: True |
lerp.debug Default: False |
lerp.enabled Enables interpolation and extrapolation of network positions Default: True |
lerp.extrapolation How many seconds ahead to lerp Default: 1 |
lerp.inertia How many seconds after starting to move the interpolation delay reaches it max Default: 0 |
lerp.interpolation How many seconds behind to lerp Default: 0.1 |
lerp.smoothing How many seconds to smoothen velocity Default: 0.1 |
lerp.timeoffsetinterval How many ticks to calculate the client / server time offset over Default: 16 |
NEW Added 3/6/2025 lod.grid_refresh_budget Default: 0.1 |
log.level |
log.level |
manifest.printmanifest |
manifest.printmanifest |
manifest.printmanifestraw |
manifest.printmanifestraw |
maplayerrenderer.debuglabs Default: False |
megaphone.ignorepushtotalk Default: True |
megaphone.megaphonevoicerange Default: 100 |
memsnap.full |
memsnap.full |
memsnap.managed |
memsnap.managed |
memsnap.native |
memsnap.native |
mesh.quality Default: 100 |
meshpaintable3d.brushscale Default: 2 |
meshpaintable3d.uvbufferscale Default: 2 |
meta.add add <convar> <amount> - adds amount to convar |
meta.add add <convar> <amount> - adds amount to convar |
meta.exec exec [command_1] ... - runs all of the commands passed as arguments (also, if the last argument is true/false then that will flow into each command's arguments) |
meta.if_false if_false <command> <condition> - runs a command if the condition is false |
meta.if_true if_true <command> <condition> - runs a command if the condition is true |
meta.reset_cycle reset_cycle <key> - resets a cycled bind to the beginning |
metaldetectorflag.timeoutduration Default: 10800 |
metaldetectorsource.attemptspersubsourcespawn Default: 5 |
metaldetectorsource.draweditorgizmos Default: False |
metaldetectorsource.mindistancebetweensubsources Default: 1.5 |
metaldetectorsource.population Population active on the server, per square km Default: 1200 |
metaldetectorsource.servercountsources |
metaldetectorsource.timeoutduration Default: 7200 |
midiconvar.bindkeyoff Binds a note key being released to a convar eg. BindMidiKeyOff NOTE CHANNEL kill |
midiconvar.bindkeyon Binds a note key being pressed to a convar eg. BindMidiKeyOn NOTE CHANNEL kill |
midiconvar.bindknob Binds a given knob to a convar with min/max eg. BindMidiKnob NOTE CHANNEL graphics.fov 70 90 |
midiconvar.bindknobrelative Binds a given knob to a convar with a relative rate for endless scrolling eg. BindMidiKnob NOTE CHANNEL graphics.fov 1 |
midiconvar.clearallbindings |
midiconvar.debugmode Prints out all incoming midi codes Default: False |
midiconvar.enabled Must be enabled for midi convars to work Default: False |
midiconvar.printbindings |
midiconvar.reloadbindings Reloads midi bindings from disk |
minicopter.population Population active on the server Default: 0 |
missionshud.blockdisplay Default: False |
mlrs.brokendownminutes How many minutes before the MLRS recovers from use and can be used again Default: 20 |
modularcar.outsidedecayminutes How many minutes before a ModularCar loses all its health while outside Default: 864 |
modularcar.population Population active on the server Default: 3 |
motorrowboat.decaystartdelayminutes How long until decay begins after the boat was last used Default: 45 |
motorrowboat.deepwaterdecayminutes How long before a boat loses all its health while in deep water Default: 120 |
motorrowboat.outsidedecayminutes How long before a boat loses all its health while outside. If it's in deep water, deepwaterdecayminutes is used Default: 180 |
motorrowboat.population Population active on the server Default: 1 |
music.enabled Default: True | |
music.songgapmax Default: 480 |
music.songgapmin Default: 240 |
net.debug Default: False |
net.global_network_debug Toggle printing time taken to send all global entities to client when they connect Default: False |
net.global_networked_bases Default: True |
net.limit_global_update_broadcast (default) true = only broadcast to clients with global networking enabled, false = broadcast to every client regardless Default: True |
net.network_group_debug Toggle checking network group bounds whenever an entity changes its network group Default: False |
net.visdebug Default: False |
net.visibilityradiusfaroverride Default: -1 |
net.visibilityradiusnearoverride Default: -1 |
netgraph.enabled Default: False |
netgraph.entityfilter |
netgraph.typefilter |
netgraph.updatespeed Default: 5 |
nexus.broadcast_ping |
nexus.clanclatbatchduration Maximum duration in seconds to batch clan chat messages to send to other servers on the nexus Default: 1 |
nexus.defaultzonecontactradius Default distance between zones to allow boat travel, if map.contactRadius isn't set in the nexus (uses normalized coordinates) Default: 0.33 |
nexus.endpoint URL endpoint to use for the Nexus API Default: |
nexus.islandspawndistance How far away islands should be spawned, as a factor of the map size Default: 1.5 |
nexus.loadingtimeout Time in seconds to keep players in the loading state before going to sleep Default: 900 |
nexus.logging Default: True |
nexus.logging Default: True |
nexus.mapimagescale Scale of the map to render and upload to the nexus Default: 0.5 |
nexus.messagelockduration Time in seconds to allow the server to process nexus messages before re-sending (requires restart) Default: 5 | |
nexus.pinginterval Time in seconds to wait between server status pings Default: 30 |
nexus.playermanifestinterval Interval in seconds to broadcast the player manifest to other servers on the nexus Default: 30 |
nexus.playeronline |
nexus.protectionduration Maximum time in seconds to keep transfer protection enabled on entities Default: 300 |
nexus.redirect |
nexus.refreshislands |
nexus.rpctimeoutmultiplier Multiplier for nexus RPC timeout durations in case we expect different latencies Default: 1 |
nexus.secretkey |
nexus.serverlistenabled Controls visibility of the nexus tab on the server browser Default: False |
nexus.serverlistendpoint Nexus API endpoint to use for the server browser Default: |
nexus.serverlistrealm Relam of servers to show on the server list (-1 for auto) Default: -1 |
nexus.timeoffset Time offset in hours from the nexus clock Default: 0 |
nexus.transfer |
nexus.transferflushtime Maximum amount of time in seconds that transfers should be cached before auto-saving Default: 60 |
nexus.uploadmap Reupload the map image to the nexus. Normally happens automatically at server boot. WARNING: This will lag the server! |
nexus.zonecontroller Default: basic |
note.craft_add |
note.craft_done |
note.craft_fasttracked |
note.craft_start |
note.inv |
note.update |
npc.vendor_attack_heli_enabled Default: True |
npc.vendor_hab_enabled Default: True |
npc.vendor_minicopter_enabled Default: True |
npc.vendor_rhib_enabled Default: True |
npc.vendor_rowboat_enabled Default: True |
npc.vendor_scrap_heli_enabled Default: True |
npc.vendor_sub_duo_enabled Default: True |
npc.vendor_sub_solo_enabled Default: True |
npcautoturret.sleeperhostiledelay How many seconds until a sleeping player is considered hostile Default: 1200 |
npcvendingmachine.addhours Simulates the provided number of hours passing in the vending machine system |
npcvendingmachine.dynamicpricingenabled Whether to run the the dynamic pricing system Default: True |
npcvendingmachine.maximumpricemultiplier The maximum point that a price can increase to (2 = 200%) Default: 2 |
npcvendingmachine.minimumpricemultiplier The Minimum point that the price can drop to (0.5 = 50% off) Default: 0.5 |
npcvendingmachine.pricedecreaseamount How much to decrease the price for if it is underselling (0.05 = 5%) Default: 0.05 |
npcvendingmachine.priceincreaseamount How much to increase the price by if it is selling a lot (0.05 = 5%) Default: 0.1 |
npcvendingmachine.priceupdatefrequencybiweekly How many realtime hours are checked when looking for price increases. Max 72 (10 days), min 0.5 (half an hour) Default: 2 |
npcvendingmachine.priceupdatefrequencydefault How many realtime hours are checked when looking for price increases. Max 72 (10 days), min 0.5 (half an hour) Default: 3 |
npcvendingmachine.priceupdatefrequencyweekly How many realtime hours are checked when looking for price increases. Max 72 (10 days), min 0.5 (half an hour) Default: 1 |
npcvendingmachine.printallpricechanges Print out all current price changes on the server |
npcvendingmachine.resetdynamicpricing Resets the state of all discounts and surcharges from NPC vending machines |
npcvendingmachine.resetfrequencytags |
npcvendingmachine.startingpricemultiplier What discount surcharge should be applied to items when the server starts Default: 2 |
npcwalkanimation.framebudgetms Default: 0.25 |
paint.brushopacity Gets or sets the brush opacity in the sign painter Default: 0 |
paint.brushsize Gets or sets the brush size in the sign painter Default: 0 |
paint.brushspacing Gets or sets the brush spacing factor in the sign painter (0 to 1, default 0.25) Default: 0 |
paint.leftsided Change the paint UI to be on the left side of the screen Default: False |
paint.selectedbrush Gets or sets the current brush in the sign painter by index (0 is first, wraps around) Default: 0 |
paint.selectedtool Gets or sets the current tool in the sign painter by index (0 is first, wraps around) Default: 0 |
parachute.bypassrepack Default: False |
parachute.landinganimations Default: False |
particle.ik Default: True |
particle.quality Default: 100 |
particle.simulationspace Default: False |
patrolhelicopterai.flee_damage_percentage Default: 0.35 |
patrolhelicopterai.monument_crash Default: True |
patrolhelicopterai.use_danger_zones Default: True |
petbrain.controldistance Default: 100 |
petbrain.drownindeepwater Default: True |
petbrain.drowntimer Default: 15 |
petbrain.idlewhenownermounted Default: True |
petbrain.idlewhenownerofflineordead Default: True |
physics.allowhorsetempragdoll Default: True |
physics.allowplayertempragdoll Default: True |
physics.autosynctransforms Default: True |
physics.autosynctransforms Default: True |
physics.batchsynctransforms Default: True |
physics.batchsynctransforms Default: True |
physics.bouncethreshold Default: 2 |
physics.clientragdollmode The collision detection mode that client-side ragdolls should use Default: 1 |
physics.droppedmode The collision detection mode that dropped items and corpses should use Default: 2 |
physics.gravity Gravity multiplier Default: 1 |
physics.groundwatchdebug Default: False |
physics.groundwatchdelay Default: 0.1 |
physics.groundwatchfails Default: 1 |
physics.sendeffects Send effects to clients when physics objects collide Default: True |
physics.serverragdollmode The collision detection mode that server-side ragdolls should use Default: 3 |
physics.serversideragdolls Do ragdoll physics calculations on the server, or use the old client-side system Default: True |
physics.sleepthreshold Default: 0.01 |
physics.solveriterationcount The default solver iteration count permitted for any rigid bodies (default 7). Must be positive Default: 3 |
physics.towingmaxlinearaccelfromjoint Default: 40 |
physics.treecollision Do players and vehicles collide with trees? Default: True |
ping.auto_refresh_region Default: True |
ping.auto_refresh_region Default: True |
ping.ping_estimate_logging Default: False |
ping.ping_estimate_logging Default: False |
ping.ping_estimation Default: True |
ping.ping_estimation Default: True |
ping.ping_parallel Default: False |
ping.ping_parallel Default: False |
ping.ping_refresh_interval Default: 45 |
ping.ping_refresh_interval Default: 45 |
ping.ping_samples Default: 5 |
ping.ping_samples Default: 5 |
planner.floodfilldebug Default: False |
planterbox.outsidetestdistance Default: 100 |
planterboxstatic.favourablegenechance Chance of a favourable gene being picked [0-1]. Setting this to 0 does not ensure no favourable genes are picked up, but it greatly reduces the chances. Default: 0.5 |
player.abandonmission |
player.cinematic_gesture |
player.cinematic_list |
player.cinematic_play |
player.cinematic_play |
player.cinematic_stop |
player.cinematic_stop |
player.cold_breath Default: True |
player.copyrotation |
player.createskull |
player.createtrophy |
player.dismount |
player.eye_blinking Default: True |
player.eye_movement Default: True |
player.fillwater |
player.footik Default: True |
player.footikdistance Default: 30 |
player.footikrate The rate at which the foot IK traces to the ground. Higher number is better performance, but less smooth. Default: 0.1 |
player.gesture |
player.gesture_radius |
player.gesture_radius_notme |
player.gotosleep |
player.infiniteammo Default: False |
player.list_cinematic_gestures |
player.markhostile |
player.mount |
player.noclipspeed Default: 10 |
player.noclipspeedfast Default: 50 |
player.noclipspeedslow Default: 2 |
player.petcmd |
player.printpresence |
player.printstats |
player.ragdoll optional param {player} |
player.ragdollall ragdolls |
player.ragdollallbutme ragdolls everyone except player |
player.ragdollother Ragdolls a player you're looking at |
player.recoilcomp Default: True |
player.reloadweapons |
player.resetstate Resets the PlayerState of the given player |
player.stopgesture_radius |
player.swapseat |
player.tickrate_cl Default: 32 |
player.tickrate_sv Default: 16 |
player.trigger_wildlife_trap |
player.triggerfix Default: False |
player.usecinematicavatar Use the cinematic avatar when playing cinematic animations Default: False |
player.wakeup |
player.wakeupall |
player.woundforever Whether the crawling state expires Default: False |
playercull.debug Default: False |
playercull.enabled Enable/Disable player culling entirely (always render even when hidden) Default: True |
playercull.maxplayerdist Maximum distance to show any players in meters Default: 5000 |
playercull.maxsleeperdist Maximum distance to show sleepers in meters Default: 30 |
playercull.minculldist Players of any kind will always be visible closer than this Default: 20 |
playercull.updaterate How many times per second to check for visibility Default: 5 |
playercull.visquality Quality of Vis : 0 = Chest check, 1 = Chest+Head, 2 = Chest+Head+Arms, 3 = Chest+Head+Arms+Feet Default: 2 |
playerhelicopter.insidedecayminutes How long before a player helicopter loses all its health while indoors Default: 2880 |
playerhelicopter.outsidedecayminutes How long before a player helicopter loses all its health while outside Default: 480 |
playerinventory.forcebirthday Default: False |
polarbear.population Population active on the server, per square km Default: 1 |
pool.clear_assets |
pool.clear_assets |
pool.clear_memory |
pool.clear_memory |
pool.clear_prefabs |
pool.clear_prefabs |
pool.debug Default: False |
pool.debug Default: False |
pool.enabled Default: True |
pool.enabled Default: True |
pool.export_prefabs |
pool.export_prefabs |
pool.fill_prefabs |
pool.fill_prefabs |
pool.mode Default: 2 |
pool.mode Default: 2 |
pool.prewarm Default: True |
pool.prewarm Default: True |
pool.print_arraypool |
pool.print_arraypool |
pool.print_assets |
pool.print_assets |
pool.print_memory |
pool.print_memory |
pool.print_prefabs |
pool.print_prefabs |
pool.reset_max_pool_counter |
pool.reset_max_pool_counter |
profile.command_lagspike_threshold Default: 40 |
profile.dump_profile_recorders |
profile.dump_profile_recorders |
profile.flush_analytics |
profile.flush_analytics |
profile.perfsnapshot profile.perfsnapshot [delay=15, int] [name='Profile', str, no extension, max 32chars] [frames=10, int, max 10] [debug=false, dumps a binary snapshot as well] Will produce a JSON perf snapshot that can be viewed in Perfetto or similar tools |
profile.profiling_entities 0 = off, 1 = spawn/kill, 2 = spawn/kill per entity, 3 = count every '5 min' Default: 0 |
profile.profiling_entity_count_interval How frequently to count all entities across the server Default: 300 |
profile.profiling_fixed_invokes 0 = off, 1 = stats per frame, 2 = stats per method Default: 0 |
profile.profiling_invokes 0 = off, 1 = stats per frame, 2 = stats per method Default: 0 |
profile.profiling_lagspikes Record inbound RPC & ConsoleCommands that cause lag spikes Default: False |
profile.profiling_packets Record type of packets inbound/outbound per frame Default: False |
profile.profiling_ping Raknet statistics, 0 = off, 2 = per connection Default: 0 |
profile.profiling_ping_interval How often to flush raknet stats per second Default: 1 |
profile.profiling_ping_per_frame Default: 30 |
profile.profiling_rcon 0 = off, 1 = count per frame, 2 = connection attempts, 3 = messages Default: 0 |
profile.profiling_rcon_message_length Clamp the length of logged RCON messages to prevent the profiler from being flooded with large messages Default: 512 |
profile.profiling_work_queue Record execution time of ObjectWorkQueues per frame Default: False |
profile.rcon_lagspike_threshold Default: 40 |
profile.rpc_lagspike_threshold Default: 40 |
profile.runtime_profiling 0 = off, 1 = basic, 2 = everything. This will reset all profiling convars, however they can be modified afterwards Default: 0 |
profile.runtime_profiling_interval Default: 60 |
profile.runtime_profiling_persist Enable to allow runtime profiling to persist across restarts Default: False |
profile.runtime_profiling_pool_flush_interval How often to flush pooling stats in seconds Default: 300 |
profile.runtime_profiling_pooling 0 = off, 1 = flush every 5 minutes Default: 0 |
profile.runtime_profiling_uploader_pooling Should analytics bulk uploaders use pooling Default: False |
profile.start |
profile.start |
profile.stop |
profile.stop |
radiation.materialtoradsratio Default: 0.0044 |
radiation.water_inventory_damage Default: True |
radiation.water_loot_damage Default: True |
rcon.ban_ip Ban an IP address from RCON, preventing it from connecting and kick any clients from this IP, this is permanent and persistent |
rcon.banduration How long in seconds to ban an IP that has exceeded the maximum password failures (default: 300 seconds) Default: 300 |
rcon.clear_rcon_failed_logins Clear all failed login attempts |
NEW Added 3/6/2025 rcon.clear_subscribers Clears all subscribers from the server. |
NEW Added 3/6/2025 rcon.enablesubscriptions If true, allow RCON connections to subscribe to server events. This could be a performance hit and should only be used if you need it. Default: False |
rcon.ip IP Address to listen for RCON connections |
rcon.logfailedattempts Log failed attempts and attempts from banned IP addresses (default: true) Default: True |
rcon.maxpasswordfailures How many password failures before banning an RCON client's IP (default: 5) Default: 5 |
rcon.permanentbanfailedips Permanently ban IPs that trigger too many failed attempts (default: false) Default: False |
rcon.port Port to listen for RCON connections Default: 28016 |
rcon.print If true, RCON commands will be printed in the console Default: False |
rcon.print_rcon_bans Print a table of permanently banned IPs and networks. Use '--json' to return a JSON object |
rcon.print_rcon_clients Print a table of connected RCON clients. Use '--json' to return a JSON object |
rcon.print_rcon_failed_logins Print a table of clients with failed passwords. Use '--json' to return a JSON object |
NEW Added 3/6/2025 rcon.subscribe Un/Subscribes the current RCON connection to changes in server state. This could be a performance hit and should only be used if you need it. |
rcon.unban_ip Unban an IP address from connecting to RCON, will also remove all attempt history |
rcon.web If set to true, use websocket RCON. If set to false use legacy, source engine RCON. Source engine RCON is DEPRECATED Default: True |
reclaimmanager.reclaim_expire_minutes Default: 120 |
recordertool.debugrecording Default: False |
reflection.forceupdate Default: False |
reflection.planarcount Default: 2 |
reflection.planarreflections Default: True |
reflection.planarresolution Default: 1024 |
reflection.resolution Default: 64 |
reflection.timeslicing Default: 2 |
reflection.updateinterval Default: 1 |
relationshipmanager.acceptinvite |
relationshipmanager.addtoteam |
relationshipmanager.contacts Default: True |
relationshipmanager.createandaddtoteam |
relationshipmanager.fakeinvite |
relationshipmanager.forgetafterminutes Default: 960 |
relationshipmanager.kickmember |
relationshipmanager.leaveteam |
relationshipmanager.maxplayerrelationships Default: 128 |
relationshipmanager.maxteamsize Default: 8 |
relationshipmanager.mugshotupdateinterval Default: 300 |
relationshipmanager.promote |
relationshipmanager.promote_id |
relationshipmanager.rejectinvite |
relationshipmanager.seendistance Default: 10 |
relationshipmanager.sendinvite |
relationshipmanager.sleeptoggle |
relationshipmanager.trycreateteam |
relationshipmanager.wipe_all_contacts |
relationshipmanager.wipecontacts |
render.building_blocked_preview_distance Distance from the border of building blocked to show the red preview Default: 100 |
render.computebuffer_setdata_immediate Whether to call ComputeBuffer.SetData immediately or at the end of the frame Default: True |
render.expand_instancing |
render.instanced_rendering 0 = off, 1 = on (must restart client for changes to take effect) Default: 0 |
render.instanced_toggle_all Developer command to toggle instanced rendering at runtime to measure performance impact Default: True |
render.instanced_toggle_buildings Toggle rendering of buildings on / off Default: True |
render.instanced_toggle_cliffs Toggle rendering of cliffs on / off Default: True |
render.instanced_toggle_other Toggle rendering of uncategorized meshes on / off Default: True |
render.instancing_render_distance Max distance for instanced rendering, can be higher than normal render distance Default: 1000 |
render.max_renderers Set the amount of instanced renderers to show for debugging Default: 0 |
render.multidraw Allow unity to batch together multiple draw calls Default: True |
render.print_global_entities Print off count of global building entities on the client |
render.print_global_entities Print off count of global building entities on the server |
render.print_instanced_cell Print number of meshes inside a single grid |
render.print_instanced_debug Print off array size and memory usage to ensure no memory leaks & debug rendering system |
render.print_instanced_renderers Print off number of each mesh inside instanced rendering system (including outside of render range) |
render.print_tree_counts Print off count of trees to ensure server sent them all |
render.render_shadows Default: True |
render.show_building_blocked Default: True |
render.show_building_blocked_server Default: True |
render.test_instancing_culling Spawn (default 50k) prefabs spread across the map to quickly test instanced rendering system in isolation |
render.tree_entities |
render.upload_multidraw_meshes_mode 0 = CPU, 1 = GPU Default: 0 |
reports.exceptionreportmaxlength Default: 600 |
reports.exceptionreportmaxlength Default: 600 |
rgbeffects.brightness Brightness of colors, from 0 to 1 (note: may affect color accuracy) Default: 1 |
rgbeffects.colorcorrection_razer Controls how RGB values are mapped to LED lights on Razer devices Default: (3.00, 3.00, 3.00) |
rgbeffects.colorcorrection_steelseries Controls how RGB values are mapped to LED lights on SteelSeries devices Default: (1.50, 1.50, 1.50) |
rgbeffects.enabled Enables RGB lighting effects (supports SteelSeries and Razer) Default: True |
rgbeffects.pulse |
rgbeffects.static |
rhib.rhibpopulation Population active on the server Default: 0 |
REMOVED Removed 2/1/2025 ridablehorse.population Population active on the server, per square km Default: 2 |
ridablehorse.sethorsebreed |
ridablehorse2.autoavoidance Default: True |
ridablehorse2.debug Default: False |
ridablehorse2.decayminutes How long before a horse dies unattended Default: 180 |
ridablehorse2.dungtimescale Default: 1 |
ridablehorse2.groundangleupdaterate Default: 0.15 |
ridablehorse2.population Population active on the server, per square km Default: 2 |
ridablehorse2.ragdoll |
ridablehorse2.setforsale |
ridablehorse2.sethorsebreed |
ridablehorse2.throttledgroundangleupdate Default: False |
rottingflies.hide Disables the corpse flies Default: False |
safemode.applysafemodeconfig Applies a known set of safe settings to ensure the game boots |
samsite.staticrepairseconds how long until static sam sites auto repair Default: 1200 |
santasleigh.altitudeaboveterrain Default: 50 |
santasleigh.desiredaltitude Default: 60 |
santasleigh.drop |
scenetoprefab.monument_scenes_enabled Default: False |
scenetoprefab.monument_scenes_enabled Default: False |
scraptransporthelicopter.population Population active on the server Default: 0 |
screenshot.hiresscreenshotcustomwidth Set a custom width for takehiresscreenshot and takehirestransparentscreenshot. Set to 0 to use default size. Default: 0 |
screenshot.takehiresscreenshot |
screenshot.takehirestransparentscreenshot |
screenshot.takescreenshot |
screenshot.taketransparentscreenshot |
sensecomponent.maxrefreshintervalseconds Default: 1 |
sensecomponent.minrefreshintervalseconds Default: 0.2 |
sentry.debugpreventduplicates Prevents auto turrets getting added more than once to the IO queue Default: True |
sentry.hostileduration how long until something is considered hostile after it attacked Default: 120 |
sentry.interferenceradius radius to check for other turrets Default: 40 |
sentry.maxinterference max interference from other turrets Default: 12 |
sentry.targetall target everyone regardless of authorization Default: False |
server.anticheatid |
server.anticheatkey |
server.anticheatlog Default: 300 |
server.anticheattoken Default: True |
server.arrowarmor Default: 1 |
server.arrowdamage Default: 1 |
server.artificialtemperaturegrowablerange Default: 4 |
server.authtimeout Default: 60 |
server.autouploadmap Automatically upload procedurally generated maps so that players download them (faster) instead of re-generating them Default: True |
server.backup Backup server folder |
server.bag_quota_item_amount Default: True |
server.bansserverendpoint HTTP API endpoint for centralized banning (see wiki) |
server.bansserverfailuremode Failure mode for centralized banning, set to 1 to reject players from joining if it's down (see wiki) Default: 0 |
server.bansservertimeout Timeout (in seconds) for centralized banning web server requests Default: 5 |
server.bleedingarmor Default: 1 |
server.bleedingdamage Default: 1 |
server.botcount |
server.branch |
server.broadcastplayvideo |
server.bulletarmor Default: 1 |
server.bulletdamage Default: 1 |
server.canequipbackpacksinair Allows backpack equipping while not grounded Default: False |
server.ceilinglightgrowablerange Default: 3 |
server.ceilinglightheightoffset Default: 3 |
server.censorplayerlist Censors the Steam player list to make player tracking more difficult Default: True |
server.cheatreport |
server.cinematic Default: False |
NEW Added 3/6/2025 server.clear_bushes_radius |
server.clear_loot_spawn_cache Clears the loot spawn cache used to restrict loot into each era |
server.clear_trees_radius |
server.combatlog Get the player combat log |
server.combatlog_outgoing Get the player combat log, only showing outgoing damage |
server.combatlogdelay Default: 10 |
server.combatlogsize Default: 30 |
server.composterupdateinterval Default: 300 |
server.compression Default: False |
server.conveyormovefrequency How often industrial conveyors attempt to move items (value is an interval measured in seconds). Setting to 0 will disable all movement Default: 5 |
server.corpsedespawn Default: 300 |
server.corpseinfo Get info on player corpses on the server |
server.corpses Default: True |
server.crawlingenabled Do players go into the crawling wounded state Default: True |
server.crawlingmaximumhealth Maximum initial health given when a player dies and moves to crawling wounded state Default: 12 |
server.crawlingminimumhealth Minimum initial health given when a player dies and moves to crawling wounded state Default: 7 |
server.cycletime Default: 500 |
server.debrisdespawn Default: 30 |
server.defaultblueprintresearchcost How much scrap is required to research default blueprints Default: 10 |
server.description |
server.dropitems Default: True |
server.encryption Default: 2 |
server.enforce_era_restrictions Deletes items on the server that are not allowed in the era |
server.enforcepipechecksonbuildingblockchanges Whether to check for illegal industrial pipes when changing building block states (roof bunkers) Default: True |
server.entitybatchsize Default: 100 |
server.entitybatchtime Default: 1 |
server.entityrate Default: 16 |
server.era none,primitive,medieval,frontier,rust Default: Primitive | Default: True |
NEW Added 3/6/2025 server.farmchickenlocalavoidance Whether to run local avoidance for chickens, disabling might get a slight performance improvement but chickens will clip Default: True |
server.favoritesendpoint Domain name to save when players favorite your server. The port can be omitted if using the default port or a SRV DNS record is created. |
server.filefolderoverride |
NEW Added 3/6/2025 server.fillchickencoop |
NEW Added 3/6/2025 server.foodspoiling Whether to run the food spoiling system Default: True |
NEW Added 3/6/2025 server.foodspoilingbudgetms Default: 0.05 |
server.fps |
server.funwaterdamagethreshold Default: 0.8 |
server.funwaterwetnessgain Default: 0.05 |
server.gamemode |
server.headerimage |
server.homingmissiletargetshab If true hot air balloons can be shot down with homing missiles Default: False |
NEW Added 3/6/2025 server.hopperanimationbudgetms How long per frame to spend animating items moving into the hopper (will be instant if <= 0) Default: 0.1 |
server.hostname |
server.http_connection_limit Default: 32 |
server.identity |
server.idlekick Default: 30 |
server.idlekickadmins Default: 0 |
server.idlekickmode Default: 1 |
server.incapacitatedrecoverchance Base chance of recovery after incapacitated wounded state Default: 0.1 |
server.industrialallowquickmove Enables a faster way to move items around during conveyor transfers. Should be on unless there's a issue Default: True |
server.industrialcrafterfrequency How often industrial crafters attempt to craft items (value is an interval measured in seconds). Setting to 0 will disable all crafting Default: 5 |
server.industrialframebudgetms How long per frame to spend on industrial jobs Default: 0.5 |
server.industrialtransferstricttimelimits When enabled industrial transfers will abort if they start to take too long. Will lead to inconsistent splitting but should retain performance Default: False |
server.ip |
server.ipqueriespermin Default: 30 |
server.itemdespawn Default: 300 |
server.itemdespawn_container_max_multiplier Default: 24 |
server.itemdespawn_container_scale Default: 2 |
server.itemdespawn_quick Default: 30 |
server.level |
server.leveltransfer Default: True |
server.levelurl |
server.listtoolcupboards Prints all the Tool Cupboards on the server |
server.listvendingmachines Prints all the vending machines on the server |
server.logoimage |
server.lowprioritybuoyancyrange If no players are in this range kayaks, boogie boards and inner tubes will switch to a cheaper buoyancy system Default: 30 |
server.max_sleeping_bags Default: 15 |
server.maxclientinfosize Default: 1048576 |
server.maxconnectionsperip Default: 5 |
server.maxdecryptqueuebytes Default: 524288000 |
server.maxdecryptqueuelength Default: 5000 |
server.maxdecryptthreadwait Default: 100 |
NEW Added 3/6/2025 server.maxfoodspoiltimediffforitemstack Maximum difference (in seconds) that two items with spoil timers can have and still be stackable Default: 180 |
server.maximummapmarkers How many markers each player can place Default: 5 |
server.maximumpings How many pings can be placed by each player Default: 5 |
server.maxitemstacksmovedpertickindustrial How many stacks a single conveyor can move in a single tick Default: 12 |
server.maxmainthreadwait Default: 100 |
server.maxpacketsize_command Default: 100000 |
server.maxpacketsize_globalentities Default: 1000 |
server.maxpacketsize_globaltrees Default: 100 |
server.maxpacketspersecond Default: 1500 |
server.maxpacketspersecond_command Default: 100 |
server.maxpacketspersecond_rpc Default: 200 |
server.maxpacketspersecond_rpc_signal Default: 50 |
server.maxpacketspersecond_tick Default: 300 |
server.maxpacketspersecond_voice Default: 100 |
server.maxpacketspersecond_world Default: 1 |
server.maxplayers |
server.maxreadqueuebytes Default: 524288000 |
server.maxreadqueuelength Default: 5000 |
server.maxreadthreadwait Default: 100 |
server.maxreceivetime Default: 20 |
server.maxunack Default: 4 |
server.maxwritequeuebytes Default: 524288000 |
server.maxwritequeuelength Default: 5000 |
server.maxwritethreadwait Default: 100 |
server.meleearmor Default: 1 |
server.meleedamage Default: 1 |
server.metabolismtick Default: 1 |
server.modifiertickrate Default: 1 |
server.motd |
server.netcache Default: True |
server.netcachesize Default: 23065 |
server.netlog Default: False |
server.netprotocol |
server.nonplanterdeathchancepertick Default: 0.005 |
server.official Default: False |
server.oilrig_radiation_alarm_threshold Default: 0 |
server.oilrig_radiation_amount_scale Default: 1 |
server.oilrig_radiation_time_scale Default: 1 |
server.optimalplanterqualitysaturation Default: 0.6 |
server.packetlog |
server.packetlog_enabled Default: False |
server.parachuterepacktime How long it takes to pick up a used parachute in seconds Default: 8 |
server.ping_region_code_override |
server.pingduration How long a ping should last Default: 10 |
server.plantlightdetection Default: True |
server.planttick Default: 60 |
server.planttickscale Default: 1 |
server.player_state_cache_count |
server.player_state_cache_evictions |
server.player_state_cache_size Default: 10000 |
server.playerlistpos Prints the position of all players on the server |
server.playerserverfall Default: True |
server.playertimeout Default: 60 |
server.port Default: 28015 |
NEW Added 3/6/2025 server.premiumrecheckinterval How often to do premium status rechecks Default: 300 |
NEW Added 3/6/2025 server.premiumrecheckmaxbatchsize Maximum number of players to recheck at a time Default: 100 |
NEW Added 3/6/2025 server.premiumrecheckminseconds Minimum time to recheck premium status for already connected players (in seconds) Default: 300 |
NEW Added 3/6/2025 server.premiumverifyendpoint Endpoint to use to check if players have premium status Default: |
server.printdecryptqueue |
server.printeyes Print the current player eyes. |
server.printpos Print the current player position. |
server.printposcenter Print the current player center position. |
server.printreadqueue |
server.printreportstoconsole Should F7 reports from players be printed to console Default: False |
server.printrot Print the current player rotation. |
NEW Added 3/6/2025 server.printwipeid Prints the current wipe id of the sav |
server.printwritequeue |
server.pve Default: False |
server.queriespersecond Default: 2000 |
server.queryport Default: 28017 |
server.radiation Default: True |
server.readcfg |
server.rejoin_delay Default: 300 |
server.reportsserverendpoint HTTP API endpoint for receiving F7 reports |
server.reportsserverendpointkey If set, this key will be included with any reports sent via reportsServerEndpoint (for validation) |
server.resetserveremoji Rescans the serveremoji folder, note that clients will need to reconnect to get the latest emoji |
server.respawnatdeathposition If a player presses the respawn button, respawn at their death location (for trailer filming) Default: False |
server.respawnresetrange Default: 50 |
server.respawnwithloadout When a player respawns give them the loadout assigned to client.RespawnLoadout (created with inventory.saveloadout) Default: False |
server.rewounddelay Default: 60 |
server.rpclog |
server.rpclog_enabled Default: False |
server.salt Default: 1 | Force save the current game |
server.savebackupcount Default: 2 |
server.savecachesize Default: 368987 |
server.saveinterval Default: 600 |
server.schematime Default: 1800 | Default: True |
server.seed |
server.sendnetworkupdate Send network update for all players |
server.server_id |
server.setshowholstereditems Show holstered items on player bodies |
server.showholstereditems Default: True |
server.skipdeathscreenfade Skip death screen fade Default: False |
server.snapshot This sends a snapshot of all the entities in the client's pvs. This is mostly redundant, but we request this when the client starts recording a demo.. so they get all the information. |
server.sprinklereyeheightoffset Default: 3 |
server.sprinklerradius Default: 3 |
server.stability Default: True |
server.start Starts a server |
server.statbackup Default: False |
server.stats Default: False |
server.stop Stops a server |
server.strictauth_eac Default: False |
server.strictauth_steam Default: False |
server.tags Comma-separated server browser tag values (see wiki) |
server.tickrate Default: 10 |
server.tutorialenabled Controls whether the tutorial is enabled on this server Default: False |
server.updatebatch Default: 512 |
server.updatebatchspawn Default: 1024 |
server.url |
server.uselegacyworkbenchinteraction Opens a loot panel when interacting with a workbench instead of going straight into the tech tree. Designed for backwards compatibility with mods. Default: False |
server.useminimumplantcondition Default: True |
NEW Added 3/6/2025 server.useplayerupdatejobs Default: False |
server.watercontainersleavewaterbehind When transferring water, should containers keep 1 water behind. Enabling this should help performance if water IO is causing performance loss Default: False |
server.waterwellnpcsalesrefreshfrequency How often (in hours) the water well NPC's update their sell orders Default: 1 |
server.workbench1taxrate How much of a tax to apply to workbench T1 tech unlocks. 10 = additional 10% scrap cost Default: 10 |
server.workbench2taxrate How much of a tax to apply to workbench T2 tech unlocks. 10 = additional 10% scrap cost Default: 20 |
server.workbench3taxrate How much of a tax to apply to workbench T3tech unlocks. 10 = additional 10% scrap cost Default: 40 |
server.worldsize |
server.woundedmaxfoodandwaterbonus Maximum percent chance added to base wounded/incapacitated recovery chance, based on the player's food and water level Default: 0.25 |
server.woundedrecoverchance Base chance of recovery after crawling wounded state Default: 0.2 |
server.woundingenabled Can players be wounded after receiving fatal damage Default: True |
server.writecfg Writes config files |
serverocclusion.serverocclusiondebug Tests occlusion visibility between two positions |
NEW Added 3/6/2025 serverocclusion.usejob Default: True |
shield.infiniteshieldblock Default: False |
shoutcaststreamer.allowinternetstreams Default: True |
shoutcaststreamer.debugstreams Default: False |
shoutcaststreamer.maxaudiostreams Default: 3 |
shoutcaststreamer.streaminganalytics Default: True |
signage.texturerequestdistance Default: 100 |
simpleshark.disable Default: False |
simpleshark.forcesurfaceamount Default: 0 |
slotmachine.forcepayoutindex Default: -1 |
snowmobile.allowpassengeronly Allow mounting as a passenger when there's no driver Default: False |
snowmobile.allterrain If true, snowmobile goes fast on all terrain types Default: False |
snowmobile.outsidedecayminutes How long before a snowmobile loses all its health while outside Default: 1440 |
spawn.cargoshipdockingtest |
spawn.cargoshipevent |
spawn.ch47event |
spawn.delete_all_populations |
spawn.delete_populations |
spawn.fill_groups |
spawn.fill_individuals |
spawn.fill_populations |
spawn.max_density Default: 1 |
spawn.max_rate Default: 1 |
spawn.min_density Default: 0.5 |
spawn.min_rate Default: 0.5 |
spawn.player_base Default: 100 |
spawn.player_scale Default: 2 | |
spawn.respawn_groups Default: True |
spawn.respawn_individuals Default: True |
spawn.respawn_populations Default: True |
spawn.scalars |
spawn.shielddummy |
spawn.simulate_loot |
spawn.svshielddummy |
spawn.tick_individuals Default: 300 |
spawn.tick_populations Default: 60 |
spraycan.debugmeshsnapping Default: False |
spraycan.useaccuratemeshsnapping Default: True |
sss.enabled Default: True |
sss.halfres Default: True |
sss.quality Default: 0 |
sss.scale Default: 1 |
stability.accuracy Default: 0.001 |
stability.collapse Default: 0.05 |
stability.refresh_stability |
stability.stabilityqueue Default: 9 |
stability.strikes Default: 10 |
stability.surroundingsqueue Default: 3 |
stability.verbose Default: 0 |
stabilityentity.demolish_seconds Default: 600 |
stag.population Population active on the server, per square km Default: 3 |
stash.reveal_tick_rate Default: 0.5 |
steam.achievements |
steam.refresh_nickname_cache |
steam.resetstats |
steam.server_allow_steam_nicknames Default: True |
steam.use_steam_nicknames Default: True |
store.generalitemtests |
store.limiteditemtests |
store.refreshstore |
strobelight.forceoff Default: False |
---| |
supply.drop |
system.auto_cpu_affinity Automatically set CPU affinity to recommended cores (eg. 3D V-cache cores) Default: True |
system.cpu_affinity |
system.cpu_affinity |
system.cpu_priority |
system.cpu_priority |
telephonemanager.maxcalllength Default: 120 |
telephonemanager.maxconcurrentcalls Default: 10 |
telephonemanager.printallphones |
terrain.quality Default: 100 |
texture.stats |
texture.streaming Enable automatic streaming of texture mipmap levels based on their distance from all active cameras. Default: False |
texture.streamingbudgetoverride Default: 0 |
ticklogging.tick_uploader_lifetime Default: 60 |
time.cl_maxstepsperframe The maximum amount physics ticks per frame on clients. If things are taking too long, time slows down Default: 2 |
time.cl_steps Desired physics ticks per second on clients Default: 32 |
time.pausewhileloading Default: True |
time.sv_maxstepsperframe The maximum amount physics ticks per frame on the server. If things are taking too long, time slows down Default: 2 |
time.sv_steps Desired physics ticks per second on the server Default: 16 |
time.timescale Default: 1 |
tincanalarm.wiredistanceculling Enable/disable the wire distance culling |
toolgun.classiceffects Default: False |
traincar.decayminutes How long before a train car despawns Default: 30 |
traincar.population Population active on the server Default: 2.3 |
traincar.wagons_per_engine Ratio of wagons to train engines that spawn Default: 2 |
traincarunloadable.decayminutesafterunload How long before an unloadable train car despawns afer being unloaded Default: 10 |
traincouplingcontroller.max_couple_speed Maximum difference in velocity for train cars to couple Default: 9 |
travellingvendor.alive_time_seconds Default: 1800 |
travellingvendor.attempt_pullovers Default: True |
travellingvendor.max_speed Default: 5 |
travellingvendor.should_destroy_buildings Default: False |
travellingvendor.should_spawn Default: True |
travellingvendor.spawn |
travellingvendor.startevent |
tree.global_broadcast Default: False |
tree.meshes Default: 100 |
tree.quality Default: 100 |
tree.simplified_collider Default: False |
treemanager.cellsize Define cell size(in m) of a grid for trees - only has effect on world load and must be > 1. This affects how much data we send per tree cell(bigger the cell - more trees we have to send). The smaller the cell, the more cells we have to process and the more memory we need per player to track what's left to send(gridSize ^ 2 / 8 bytes). We readjust CellSize to ensure gridSize never exceeds 512. Default: 100 |
treemanager.enabletreestreaming Default: True |
treemanager.playerbudgetms Default: 0.01 |
treemanager.updatebudgetms Default: 1 |
treemanager.uselazyserialization Instead of reserializing grid cell on every tree add/removal(which can cost 0.25ms on 4.5k world), defer it to the streaming update. This reduces amount of times we need to serialize the tree list, but causes the player queue to take longer to process, as that's where evaluation happens. Default: True |
NEW Added 3/6/2025 triggerbase.clearexcludelayers |
NEW Added 3/6/2025 triggerbase.setexcludelayers |
NEW Added 3/6/2025 triggerbase.useexcludelayers Default: False |
NEW Added 3/6/2025 triggerbase.useexcludelayers Default: False |
tugboat.tugcorpseseconds Default: 7200 |
tugboat.tugdecayminutes How long before a tugboat loses all its health while outside Default: 2160 |
tugboat.tugdecaystartdelayminutes How long until decay begins after the tugboat was last used Default: 1440 |
tutorialisland.enforcetrespasschecks Default: True |
tutorialisland.overridetutoriallocation Will place the tutorial as close as possible to this pos, only for debugging Default: (0.00, 0.00, 0.00) |
tutorialisland.spawntutorialislandfornewplayer Default: True |
UI |
ui.autoswitchchannel Default: True |
ui.loadsign Admin only: Loads an image from disk into the currently editing sign |
ui.savesign Saves the sign image you are currently editing to disk with the given filename |
ui.showbeltbarbinds Default: False |
ui.showinventoryplayer Default: True |
ui.showusebind Default: False |
uicontacts.togglecontacts |
vddraw.setisrecording |
vehicle.autohover |
vehicle.boat_corpse_seconds Default: 300 |
vehicle.boatdriftinfo Print out boat drift status for all boats |
vehicle.carwrecks Determines whether modular cars turn into wrecks when destroyed, or just immediately gib. Default: true Default: True |
vehicle.cinematictrains If true, trains always explode when destroyed, and hitting a barrier always destroys the train immediately. Default: false Default: False |
vehicle.fixcars |
vehicle.killboats |
vehicle.killcars |
vehicle.killdrones |
vehicle.killminis |
vehicle.killmotorbikes |
vehicle.killpushbikes |
vehicle.killscraphelis |
vehicle.killtrains |
vehicle.stop_all_trains |
vehicle.swapseats |
vehicle.trainskeeprunning Determines whether trains stop automatically when there's no-one on them. Default: false Default: False |
vehicle.vehiclesdroploot Determines whether vehicles drop storage items when destroyed. Default: true Default: True |
vendingmachine.clearallvendingcustomerhistory Wipe the backend customer stats data on all vending machines. Slow operation. |
vendingmachine.clearallvendinghistory Wipe the backend stats data on all vending machines. Slow operation. |
vendingmachine.max_history Default: 10000 |
vendingmachine.max_processed Default: 10000 |
vendingmachine.max_returned Default: 100 |
vis.attack Default: False |
vis.attack Default: False |
vis.damage Default: False |
vis.hitboxes Default: False |
vis.lerp Default: False |
vis.lineofsight Default: False | Default: False | Default: False |
vis.sense Default: False |
vis.triggers Default: False |
vis.weakspots Default: False |
voice.loopback Default: False |
voice.togglevoicerangeboost Enabled/disables voice range boost for a player eg. ToggleVoiceRangeBoost sam 1 |
voice.voicerangeboostamount Default: 50 |
water.quality Default: 1 |
water.reflections Default: 1 |
water.scaled_time Default: False |
waypointrace.racetimeout How long a race can go until it times out (in seconds) Default: 900 |
waypointrace.startrace |
weaponrack.showui Default: True |
weather.atmosphere_brightness Default: -1 |
weather.atmosphere_contrast Default: -1 |
weather.atmosphere_directionality Default: -1 |
weather.atmosphere_mie Default: -1 |
weather.atmosphere_rayleigh Default: -1 |
weather.clear_chance Default: 0.9 |
weather.cloud_attenuation Default: -1 |
weather.cloud_brightness Default: -1 |
weather.cloud_coloring Default: -1 |
weather.cloud_coverage Default: -1 |
weather.cloud_opacity Default: -1 |
weather.cloud_saturation Default: -1 |
weather.cloud_scattering Default: -1 |
weather.cloud_sharpness Default: -1 |
weather.cloud_size Default: -1 |
weather.dust_chance Default: 0.1 |
weather.fog Default: -1 |
weather.fog_chance Default: 0.04 |
weather.load |
weather.load |
weather.ocean_scale Default: -1 |
weather.ocean_time Default: -1 |
weather.overcast_chance Default: 0.04 |
weather.rain Default: -1 |
weather.rain_chance Default: 0.08 |
weather.rainbow Default: -1 | | |
weather.reset |
weather.reset |
weather.storm_chance Default: 0.02 |
weather.thunder Default: -1 |
weather.wetness_rain Default: 0.4 |
weather.wetness_snow Default: 0.2 |
weather.wind Default: -1 |
wipetimer.days_to_add_test Default: 0 |
wipetimer.hours_to_add_test Default: 0 |
wipetimer.printtimezones |
wipetimer.printwipe |
wipetimer.wipecronoverride Custom cron expression for the wipe schedule. Overrides all other convars (except wipeUnixTimestampOverride) if set. Uses Cronos as a parser: |
wipetimer.wipedayofweek 0=sun,1=mon,2=tues,3=wed,4=thur,5=fri,6=sat Default: 4 |
wipetimer.wipehourofday Which hour to wipe? 14.5 = 2:30pm Default: 19 |
wipetimer.wipetimezone The timezone to use for wipes. Defaults to the server's time zone if not set or invalid. Value should be a TZ identifier as seen here: Default: Europe/London |
wipetimer.wipeunixtimestampoverride Unix timestamp (seconds) for the upcoming wipe. Overrides all other convars if set to a time in the future. Default: 0 |
wolf.population Population active on the server, per square km Default: 2 |
workshop.print_approved_skins |
workshop.print_loaded_skins |
world.cache Default: True |
world.cache Default: True |
world.configfile |
world.configstring |
world.monuments |
world.monuments |
world.renderlabs Renders a PNG of the current map's underwater labs, for a specific floor |
world.renderlabs Renders a PNG of the current map's underwater labs, for a specific floor |
world.rendermap Renders a high resolution PNG of the current map |
world.rendermap Renders a high resolution PNG of the current map |
world.rendertunnels Renders a PNG of the current map's tunnel network |
world.rendertunnels Renders a PNG of the current map's tunnel network |
world.streaming Default: True |
xmas.enabled Default: False |
xmas.giftsperplayer Default: 2 |
xmas.refill |
xmas.spawnattempts Default: 5 |
xmas.spawnrange Default: 40 |
xmasdungeon.playerdetectrange How far we detect players from our inside/outside Default: 30 |
xmasdungeon.xmaslifetime How long each active dungeon should last before dying Default: 1200 |
xmasdungeon.xmaspopulation Population active on the server Default: 0 |
ziplinelaunchpoint.highlight | |
zombie.population Population active on the server, per square km Default: 0 |