Подія на Великдень

Подія на Великдень

Великодня подія повертається у Rust, наповнюючи острів святковим настроєм! Приєднуйтеся до полювання на яйця та отримуйте унікальні великодні предмети й нагороди. Чи то в пошуках костюмів кролика, чи в змаганні за перші місця – ця подія гарантує море веселощів і несподівану здобич!

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Easter Event in Rust: Egg Hunts and Festive Fun!

Here’s everything you need to know about the Easter Event:

Egg Hunt

What would Easter be without Easter eggs?

  • Hearing cheerful music? That’s your cue to head outside and collect colorful Easter eggs.
  • You’ll have 3 minutes to gather as many eggs as possible.

Rewards for the Top Collectors

The top 3 players in the egg hunt will earn additional eggs.

Loot and Rewards from Eggs

After your egg hunt, you’ll have a chance to find the following loot:

Info: Eggs can be upgraded to better eggs. Click here for a detailed overview.

Easter Egghunt

Egg Basket and "Egg Vision" Items

During the Easter Event, you can obtain special items to help you become the fastest bunny in the field!

But what exactly is "Egg Vision"? Items with Egg Vision allow you to spot more eggs during the egg hunt, giving you a competitive edge.

Egg Basket and Egg Vision Items

Don’t miss the Easter Event in Rust! Take the opportunity to test your luck in the colorful egg hunt and unlock exclusive Easter items and fantastic rewards. Whether you’re aiming to be the fastest bunny or simply enjoying the thrill of collecting, this event is the perfect way to experience the game from a more festive perspective. Join in and celebrate Easter Rust-style with your friends!